Hawks Y3/4 Mrs Sexton / Mrs Parker
Welcome to Hawks Class - Yr2/3
Don't forget
PE kits and book bags should be in school everyday
Friday 19th July
This week Hawks class have enjoyed learning about the changes and inventions that happened in the Iron Age. It was great to see so many parents at our open afternoon yesterday. We really enjoyed showing you our work and performing our dance routine to you.
Friday 12th July
This week Hawks class have enjoyed learning about volume and capacity. They have also written Iron Age poems. They enjoyed the carnival art afternoon and made some fantastic flowers and leaves to decorate our carnival float next weekend.
Friday 5th July
It has been an exciting week in Hawks class. We were very proud and impressed when we watched 'Five Famous Warriors', a band made up mainly of our class members, play their first irock concert. We have been writing newspaper reports about the event. We have also been learning how to measure weight and have applied our skills when baking Celtic oatcakes.
Friday 28th June
This week Hawks class have started a new poetry unit in English. They have learnt about the gods and goddesses that were worshipped in the Iron Age. They had an amazing time at our Armed Forces afternoon.
Friday 21st June
This week Hawks class have been refining our skills at telling the time. I wonder if they could impress you with their skills at home? We have also started writing a guide book to Wallop School for any new pupils who join us over the summer. We have worked as a team to create a super dance for the dance festival on Friday 12th July (detail to follow).
Friday 14th June
This week Hawks class has been learning to draw 2D shapes and make 3D shapes. We have also planned a, newspaper report based on the story of Stig of the Dump. In science, we have been investigating rocks and in history we have been making timelines.
Friday 7th June
This week Hawks had finished off their work on fractions in maths. In English, we have been learning about newspaper reports and have had a go at writing our own. We have started learning about the Iron Age in history. We also had a special visit from a police officer who answered our questions about how the police protect people.
Friday 24th June
Hawks class have been learning about fractions this week. We have also written fascinating reports about the Stone Age. Coming back to modern times, we have made and programmed digital musical instuments using Scratch.
Summer 2 Topic Web
Friday 17th May
It has been an exciting week. On Monday we met the King when he visited the Museum of Army Flying. We were very honoured that he found the time to talk to us. Back in school, we have continued out learning about the Stone Age and have begun researching facts for our non-chronological reports. We have thought about why there are sometimes different opinions about past events such as why Stonehenge was built. In maths, we have been working on division and have begun to divide a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
Friday 10th May
This week Hawks class have been learning how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We have been writing stories in the first person about an adventure in the Stone Age. In history, we have been comparing Stonehenge to the pyramids. We have also enjoyed making sculptures out of pipe cleaners and foil in art.
Friday 3rd May
This week Hawks class have been learning about multiplication in maths. We have written poems about the Stone Age in English. We have used the internet to find out the answers to our own questions about the Stone Age.
Friday 26th April
This week Hawks class have been learning about addition in maths and have been estimating to check our answers. In English was have written amazing stories based on a cave painting. Some children wrote from the perspective of the hunter and some from the perspective of the bear. We have also studied cave painting in art and have drawn some of our own. In history, we started to learn about Stonehenge. It is interesting that there are still lots of questions that we do not know the answer to.
Friday 19th April
Hawks have done some excellent woodland poetry this week. We started a new topic on the Stone Age and have come up with some interesting questions to research over the next half term. In maths we have been learning to tell the time using digital and analogue clocks. We are working on telling the time to the nearest minute.
Friday 22nd March
In maths this week, we have been learning about different types of lines; horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular. Why not try spotting some at home? We have also revised our knowledge of inverted commas for speech. We enjoyed making moving posters in DT.
Friday 22nd March
In maths this week, we have been learning about different types of lines; horizontal, vertical, parallel, perpendicular. Why not try searching for more examples at home? We have also revised our knowledge of how to use inverted commas to punctuate speech. We enjoyed making moving posters in DT.
Friday 15th March
We were very proud of Hawks class this afternoon. They did an amazing job of their song and dance for the Creative Arts Festival. This week they have also written newspaper reports and learnt about equivalent fractions. They have created branching databases in computing.
Friday 8th March
This week Hawks class have been learning about fractions. They have also written a story about a forest. They enjoyed a bedtime story on world book day.
Friday 1st March
This week Hawks Class had a great time at Winchester Science Centre. As well as learning about solids, liquids and gases, they also explored the exhibits and enjoyed the planetarium show. Back in school, they have been learning about division in maths and have been writing letters in English. They have also looked at different land uses in the school grounds.
Spring 2 Topic Web
Friday 23rd February
This week Hawks class have been learning about multiplication in maths and have been using the grid method to help us multiply 2 digit numbers. In English, we have used drama to give us ideas for our story writing. We have started our 'Green Planet' unit by considering physical and human features and will be going on to think about how to make our school more sustainable. We have also been working on a couple of surprises for the Creative Arts festival.
Friday 9th February
Hawks class enjoyed sharing their work with their parents this week.
Friday 2nd February
This week we have been learning about money in maths. We have been writing our own chocolate factory stories in English. We have also experimented with melting chocolate in Science with some yummy side effects! We have been evaluating ingredients for a tasty treat next week. We are hoping to share our treats and our work with parents at our open afternoon on Wednesday 7th February.
Friday 26th February
This week Hawks class have been working on subtraction in maths. We are getting very good at exchanging! We have been writing persuasive letters in English, trying to persuade Willy Wonka to invite us to the chocolate factory. We have also been helping to plan his deliveries using latitude and longitude.
Friday 19th January
This week Hawks class have practiced using our place value knowledge to solve problems. We have also written our own Charlie and the Chocolate factory stories. We have made different shapes with our bodies in gym and have learnt how to make a template in computing.
Spring One Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Friday 5th January 2024
Happy New Year. Hawks class have made an excellent start to the new term and have impressed all of the staff with their good behaviour and hard work. They have started a new topic based on Charlie and the Chocolate and have written some super descriptions. They have enjoyed learning about shape in maths and have been making 3d shapes. They have also been finding out about the continents and oceans because this are going to be helping Mr Wonka with his chocolate deliveries!
Friday 15th December
This week we have continued to learn about fractions in maths and have been working on punctuating speech in English. We also did some Egyptian style paintings and evaluated our Egyptian themed animations. There were, of course, plenty of Christmas activities. We particularly enjoyed singing carols and a special visit from Santa!
Friday 8th December
This week we have been learning about fractions in maths. We have finished our fact files about Egypt and have filmed out Egyptian animations.
Friday 1st December
This week we have learnt how to use the bus stop method for long division. We have also written some information books about Ancient Egypt. We have discussed whether the treasures that Howard Carter found in Tutankhamun's tomb belong in England or in Egypt. We also had great fun at the Christmas fair and sold most of our gonks. If you did not get a chance to buy yours and would like to just bring £1 in to class.
Friday 24th November 2023
This week Hawks class have been learning about multiplication in maths. We have found fact families and begun to learn the grid method. In English, we have been writing an adventure about a magic canopic jar. We have been learning about how muscles work in science. We have also been busy making our crafts to sell at the Christmas fair next Friday.
Friday 17th November
This week Hawks have written a diary entry pretending they have been on an epic Egyptian adventure. We had to think about using adverbs, expanded noun phrases and exclamatory sentences. Ask us if we can still remember what all of these are! In maths we are beginning to learn about multiplication and singing songs to help us learn our 3 and 4 times tables. In art we experimented with different grades of pencils to sketch in the style of Alaa Awad. We have also begun work on our Christmas crafts to sell at the Christmas Fair. You will love them! We have also started choreographing our own Egyptian themed dances.
Friday 10th November
This week Hawks have enjoyed measuring capacity using a recipe to make a rainbow! They have planned the diary of an explorer ready to write about his adventure in a pyramid next week. They have made backgrounds for their animations and are looking forward to filming them.
Friday 3rd November
Hawks class have started a new topic about Ancient Egypt. We have enjoyed watching a film clip about Tadeo Jones, a rather silly explorer, and have used this to give us ideas for our writing. We have also made flip books and are building up to making our own animations set in Egypt. We have been learning about teeth and bones in Science. In maths, we have been learning how to measure weight.
Friday 20th October
We have been writing stories based on our text driver The Royal Rabbits of London this week, focusing on creating a plot and making sure we describe the setting and characters. We have also been learning how to add money and check our change is correct. In art we have learned how to mix primary colours to create tertiary colours and in music we have been practicing playing along to a piece of music in time and in tune! We enjoyed a great Halloween disco to finish off this half term. Have a lovely holiday.
Friday 13th October
This week Hawks class have been learning about money in maths. They have written super stories based on The Royal Rabbits of London. They have also learnt about printing and their group projects have formed part of our London display.
Friday 22nd September
Hawks class have settled well into Year 3 and have been really impressing us with their positive attitude towards learning. We have been learning about magnets in science and drawing in the style of Keith Haring for art. We have also started practising for our Harvest Assembly and can't wait to show you our amazing singing, dancing and poetry. In maths, we have been exploring number bonds to 10 and using them to find number bonds to 100.
Meet the Teacher - September 2023
Friday 29th September
This week we have been learning the column method for addition. We made some fantastic guide books about London. We also enjoyed a walk around Nether Wallop practising our map reading skills.
Friday 15th September 2023
This week Hawks have been learning how to use inverted commas for speech in English. We talked about catching the words between the inverted commas. We have also designed digital devices and worked in teams to talk about what it feels like to belong and also how it feels to be left out. We have also been thinking about what is special about our area and how this impacts on food production.
Friday 9th September 2023
It has been a fantastic first week back. Everyone has worked so hard! We have started our first topic, Urban Landscapes which will compare Wallop to London. Our first English text is Katie in London so we have written our own adventure for Katie. We have also been learning about place value in maths and enjoying playing place value games.
Friday 7th July
We enjoyed debugging programs in computing and learnt about who has authority in our lives. We investigated different theories about Stonehenge and came to our own conclusions about why it was built. We had a lovely time showing our work to our families at open afternoon.
Friday 30th June
This week we enjoyed performing at the country dancing festival. Our teachers were very proud of us. We have also been learning about the 24 hour clock and have finished writing and editing our reports about the Stone Age. We have been thinking about the similarities and differences between Stonehenge and the pyramids.
Friday 23rd June
This week Hawks class enjoyed a fascinating trip to Stonehenge. We learnt some new facts but also impressed our guides by teaching them a few things too! We are well on the way to producing our own books about the Stone Age. In maths we have started learning about time. We have particularly enjoyed learning how to tell the time using Roman numerals. We also had a great time joining in with the special activities for armed forces day.
Friday 16th June
This week Hawks have continued to work on fractions and have enjoyed using pictures to find equivalent fractions. We had a great time on sports day. We wrote questions about Stonehenge ready for our trip next week.
Friday 9th June
Hawks class have enjoyed our first week back. We got off to a great start by writing our own stories. We also had fun classifying rocks in Science. On Tuesday, we enjoyed a treat because we had earnt all of our class stars. In maths we have impressed our teachers with our knowledge of fractions. We enjoyed using the glockenspiels in music and have started to learn about Stonehenge ready for our visit later this month.
Friday 26th May
This week Hawks class have made some excellent sculptures inspired by our work on the Stone Age. We have also made lift the flap books on the topic. We have been doing a great job with our multiplication and division and have written some super instructions.
Friday 19th May 2023
This week Hawks class have been learning about division. We have been working hard on our descriptive writing and have used interesting vocabulary to describe a character. We had great fun searching for spellings in the Wellbeing Woods! We have been experimenting with different sounds in computing and have made our own life the flap book about the Stone Age. Our country dancing is coming on well. This week we made up our own dance for the country dancing festival in June.
Friday 12th May
Hawks have been learning about instructions this week. We tried to write our own set about making jam on toast...it was harder than we thought because we had to remember lots of details. We also enjoyed writing instructions using Scratch in computing. In science we investigated how mirrors reflect. We enjoyed writing secret messages that could only be ready with a mirror. In lifeskills, we discussed being respectful online and we were reminded that age limits are there to protect us. In maths we have been working on our multiplication and division skills and we have discovered some useful tricks to help us use the facts we know to work out more complicated answers. We have also been thinking about stone age inventions and how they changed how people lived.
Friday 5th May
This week Hawks class have written stories about the Stone Age in first person. We have also completed an experiment to find out what materials are reflective and have started learning how to play rounders. We have continued thinking about special places in RE and have considered what various Stone Age artefacts might have been used for. We ended that week with a fantastic celebration of the King's coronation.
Friday 28th April
This week we have been writing Stone Age poems. We have looked at some examples of cave paintings and talked about what evidence this gives us about the past. We also drew our own cave paintings using charcoal. In maths we have been impressing our teachers with our addition skills. We have also been practising our country dancing moves because some of us are performing at the village fair on Monday.
Friday 21st April
This week Hawks class have enjoyed team building games and also worked together in PE to learn country dancing. Some of us are going to be dancing at Wallop Spring Fair on Monday 1st May. If you are in Hawks class and would like to perform with us please complete the online form that Mrs Sexton sent out before the holidays. In Science we have been learning about light sources. We have also been writing stories based on our new topic, The Stone Age.
Friday 31st March
This week Hawks class have had an amazing time learning about time. They have written beautiful rainforest poems using descriptive langaue. They have also evaluated their mechanical posters and enjoyed a mini football tournament. They rounded the week off with a fantastic day of STEM activities with the Historic Army Air Flight team. Have a lovely Easter.
Friday 24th March
Hello and welcome to Hawks' news. This week we have been learning to be newsreaders using our formal (serious/important/posh) voice. In maths, we have been learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. We have also started a mini football tournament where we have needed to use our core school values of cooperation and respect. As well as putting the finishing touches to our moving mechanisms posters. We have looked at the results of our class surveys from last week and decided how to make the school more sustainable. We have written letters to Mr Lambert about this.
Friday 16th March
Our week this week has seen us begin to look at poetry and have a first attempt at writing our own poems. We have also studied 2d and 3d shapes' names and properties. Earlier in the week we learnt about the names and functions of the parts of a plant and why it is important to stay safe in the sun as well as designing our own mechanical posters about recycling. We have completed a survey about how to make our school more sustainable and have made graphs and charts to show our results. We also enjoyed a live stream dance class with Darcey Bussell.
Friday 10th March
This week Hawks class found out the results of their Science investigation about what plants need to grow well. The plants with sunshine, warmth and water grew the most. On Wednesday we had a great time playing in the snow together. We have also been reporters and have written a newspaper report about the magical tin forest. We have continued making plans to improve the school environment and have used the computers to sort pictures of plants.
Friday 3rd March
This week we have started our work on fractions in maths and consolidated our work on writing persuasively by planning and writing a letter to Mr Lambert. We have also found out that the temperature does affect how fast water travels through plants, but you need to ask us questions to find out more about this investigation!We enjoyed talking about our favourite books and reading stories on World Book Day. It was very exciting when we were allowed to choose a book to take home and keep.
Friday 24th February
Hawks class have had an amazing first week back. Not only did we enjoy an awesome day out to Winchester Science Centre, but we have also learnt how to divide in maths; about the features of a newspaper report in English; about the parts of a plant in science and how to dribble and pass a football in games. We have also started learning athletics skills and have been thinking about how computers can be used to store and sort information. In Geography we have begun to learn about the features of our school and over the next few weeks we will be thinking about ways to make our school more environmentally friendly.
Friday 10th February
This week we enjoyed showing our parents and grandparents our work at our open afternoon. Some of Hawks also represented the school at the gymnastics festival. We have written fantastic letters to Mr Wonka trying to persuade him to sell our delicious scones. We have also learnt how to use grid references to find places on a map which will help when Mr Wonka does his deliveries. Have a lovely half term.
Friday 3rd February
Hawks class have had a great time testing and making scones this week. We are looking forward to sharing them with our parents on Monday. We have also been practising our gymnastics routine. We have learnt how to add pictures to our newspaper reports using the computer and have been helping Mr Wonka with his deliveries by labelling the counties on a map of the UK. In RE we have been evaluating what we know about how trees are used as symbols.
Friday 27th January
Hawks class are now great at using the column method for addition and subtraction so this week we have been using it to add and subtract money. We enjoyed our melting chocolate experiment. We have been planning a newspaper report about Charlie and Chocolate Factory and have enjoyed learning about where chocolate grows.
Friday 20th January
This week Hawks Class did a fantastic experiment using fizzy drinks. We also wrote our own chocolate factory adventures. We have been working hard to learn about addition and subtraction. We have also learnt about different climate zones and the different types of animals that live in each one.
Friday 13th January
This week Hawks class have been learning about place value in maths. In English we have been writing about chocolate! On Monday we enjoyed taste testing scones ready to design our own. We had a very soggy PE lesson on Tuesday. (Please remember to bring appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoor PE). Luckily the weather was kinder for our Bikeablity lesson on Wednesday. We have also been using our editing skills in computing and have been learning about different counties in the UK ready to help Mr Wonka with his chocolate deliveries.
Friday 6th January
Happy New Year. Hawks have got off to a great start to 2023 with some fabulous writing. They have also learnt about horizontal lines, vertical lines and right angles. This term they will be learning about how trees are used as symbols and have started this learning in the woods investigating trees.
Friday 16th December
Hawks have had a week full of Christmas cheer. On Monday we welcomed our parents to see our Egyptian exhibition. On Wednesday we had a fantastic party. Then we rounded the week off making melting snowman biscuits. In between we have also been writing about a Christmas advert that really shows he school value of kindness and we have been learning about 2d and 3d shapes.
Friday 9th December
This week Hawks have been learning about measuring. We have measured length and capacity. We have also made information books about Ancient Egypt. We have learnt about other ancient civilisations and compared these to Egypt. In RE we have been learning about angels. We really enjoyed our Christmas lunch!
Friday 2nd December
This week Hawks have kicked off their measures unit in maths by weighing and measuring ingredients to bake cookies. We have also written some amazing stories about a magic canopic jar, which you may see around school on display soon. In science we learnt about nutrients and how to eat well to look after our bodies. We have also been working hard on some Christmas crafts for the Christmas fayre next weekend. In RE we have been learning about angels.
Friday 25th November
This week Hawks have begun our new English unit about information texts. We also have been working hard to understand tenths in fractions. In science we enjoyed finding out more about muscles and how they work and we have begun crafting a little secret for Christmas. We are also having fun learning skills to play hockey too. We have enjoyed a spelling hunt on the woods and have started planning our next animation.
Friday 18th November
This week Hawks class have finished writing their Egyptian adventure stories and have started researching Egypt so that they can write an information book over the next few weeks. In maths, they have been learning about fractions and have been thinking about sharing shapes and objects into equal parts. They have also started filming their animations.
Riley, Millie, Bea and Juno
Tess, Lewis, Izaak and Tilly
Friday 11th November
This week Hawks class have had fun learning about bones. They worked in teams to put together skeletons and label them. They have also started working on backgrounds for their animations and are hoping to be ready to start filming them next week. In maths they have learnt how to divide using 2 digit numbers. In English they have been thinking about making their stories more interesting using exclamatory sentences and conjunctions.
Friday 4th November
This week Hawks class have been learning about multiplication. They have learnt new times tables facts and have also been thinking about related division facts. In English they have started learning about diaries based on a film clip about a very silly explorer in Egypt. They have also asked questions about Ancient Egypt and have made flip books.
Friday 21st October
This week Hawks class have enjoyed investigating the strength of magnets. They have been thinking about fair testing and recording their results using tables and graphs. In maths they have been learning to measure in cm and mm. They have written some super stories based on the Royal Rabbits of London and enjoyed reading them to each other. They have learnt how to mix colours in art and have pretended to be a computer network in computing. Have a lovely half term!
Friday 14th October
This week Hawks class have enjoyed collecting data about people's favourite London landmark. They have used this data to produce graphs and tables and have answered questions about these. They have also investigated magnets and have found out when they attract and when they repel. They have printed pictures in the style of Keith Haring. In computing they have compared making digital images to painting and considered the benefits of each method.
Friday 7th October
This week Hawks joined Buzzards to lead the Harvest Festival. It was lovely to see so many parents there. We hope you enjoyed it. The produce that we collected will be donated to Andover Foodbank. As well as this we have been learning how to stay safe online. We have used our knowledge of London to design and make posters. We have also started a new book, The Royal Rabbits of London, and have used it to help us to describe settings and characters.
Friday 30th September
Hawks Class had an amazing time finding out about different European countries on Monday. They have also been continuing to learn about addition and subtraction and have started writing non-fiction books about London. They have enjoyed investigating graffiti art by Keith Haring and have started working on their own designs. They have researched what it is like in London and compared this to the things we saw and heard on our walk in Wallop.
Friday 23rd September
It has been a busy week in Hawks. In maths we have been learning about addition and have begun to work with 3 digit numbers. We have been writing our own stories set in London and have edited them to make them fantastic! We also enjoyed an exciting walk around Nether Wallop. The week was rounded off with our sponsored maths events.
Slides from Meet the Teacher meeting
Friday 16th September 2022
This week Hawks class have been learning how to use a map to locate famous places in the United Kingdom. We have also been writing about landmarks in London. We have been thinking about the differences in the way the land is used in London compared to Wallop. In maths, we have been thinking about adding and subtracting. We have enjoyed learning songs and dances for the Harvest Festival. We have also been learning about inputs, outputs and processes in our computing lessons.
Friday 9th July 2022
Welcome back! Hawks have made a great start to the year and have already impressed us with their hard work. We have been exploring magnets in science and finding out what materials are magnetic. Did you know not all metals are magnetic? We were certainly surprised to find that out. We have also begun working on some things for our Harvest Festival but shhh we can't tell you all about that just yet! On Friday we remembered Queen Elizabeth II by writing messages on her favourite flower, Lily of the Valley.
Friday 22nd July
It has been an amazing year. Thank you to the children for being awesome. Thank you to the parents for your support. Thank you to the fabulous staff team for working tirelessly to give the children the best opportunities. Have a great summer everyone. See you in September.
Friday 15th July
Hawks class have enjoyed learning about food chains this week. They have also made some super 3d shapes in maths and have searched the school for perpendicular and parallel lines. They have written some amazing rainforest stories. It was fun sharing our work with the parents at the open afternoon.
Friday 8th July
Hawks class have enjoyed learning about time this week. They have also been using drama to explore ideas for their writing. Some of them went to try out lots of fun sports at the schools Commonwealth games celebration. Others enjoyed getting creative making decorations for the school carnival float that will be part of Andover carnival on Sunday 17th July. They have also been trialling some new online maths games to see if any of them would be helpful for homework next year.
Friday 1st July
This week Hawks class enjoyed a trip to the river. They also learnt about telling the time and started a new story called 'The Great Kapok Tree'. In RE they have been learning about how trees are used a symbols. They have also learnt about the water cycle.
Friday 24th June
This week Hawks class enjoyed a rainforest webinar. We have also been writing rainforest stories. In maths, we worked hard on comparing, adding and subtracting fractions. We enjoyed 2 fabulous PE sessions with Mr Barnes. We had great fun at Armed Forces Afternoon.
Friday 17th June
Hawks class thoroughly enjoyed performing our play to the parents this week. We hope you enjoyed it too. As well as this they have been working hard on fractions. They have continued to explore imaginative vocabulary based on the rainforest. They have also learnt where is the world the rainforests grow and what the climate is like there. They enjoyed searching for their spellings in the trees then wrote them down carefully making sure that they were spelt correctly.
Friday 10th June
Hawks class have been extremely busy practising for our play this week. We really hope you will enjoy it. Alongside this we have been making bar graphs of our favourite animals. We have also started a new book called The Tin Forest and have been thinking about what questions we would ask about the setting and the characters.We used drama to explore ideas for our own stories.
Friday 27th June
This week Hawks class have been busy sewing a patchwork blanket to celebrate the Queen's jubilee. As well as this we have been practising our singing, dancing and acting ready for our performance of Pirates versus Mermaids after half term. We have been learning to multiply and divide using 2 digit numbers and have been finishing our topic on Spain by looking at similarities and differences. We had a great time at our jubilee picnic on Friday.
Friday 20th May 2022
This week Hawks class have been working hard on learning their lines for Pirates versus Mermaids. They have also been making observations of their Science experiment. They have put plants in different places in the school to see which environment suits them best. So far they have found out that the ones that do not have water are not doing very well. In computing they have continued to practise their programming skills and in maths they have been working on multiplying 2 digit numbers. They have also been finding out about Spain and comparing it to England.
Friday 13th May
It has been a very exciting week in Hawks Class. We had an amazing trip to Marwell Zoo. In maths we have been practising our addition and subtraction skills. We have also continued our work on letter writing. In computing we have been putting together sequences of instructions using 'Scratch'.
Friday 6th May
Hawks class have had a busy week. In Science we have planned experiments to test what plants need to make them grow. We have put our plants in different places to see what type of environment are best for them. We have also started learning about Spain and have used atlases to name different countries in Europe. In English we have written to the Queen to invite her to our jubilee celebrations. I wonder if she will reply.
Friday 29th April
Hawks class have started our new topic about summer holidays by adding some interesting vocabulary to our seaside display. We have also started learning the songs for our performance of ‘Pirates versus Mermaids’ in June. In maths we have done an amazing job learning about place value. Our English this half term will focus on the Queen’s jubilee. We have enjoyed finding out about her life and her interests. We are
very jealous that she gets two birthdays!
8th April 2022
This week Hawks have enjoyed making clay tiles inspired by their topic about Wallop. They have also made Wallop guidebooks and have learnt how to measure weight and capacity. They had great fun racing Easter bunnies and measuring how far they could hop. They are excited to be working on a reading challenge over the holidays which will involve collecting amazing vocabulary to use in their own stories.
1st April
This week Hawks class investigated different types of soil in Science. They also enjoyed learning how to measure the perimeter of a shape. In English they have been learning the skills they need to make a guidebook about Wallop. As well as this they have been making their own rahki bracelets to symbolise protection.
25th March
Hawks class have had a fantastic week. They loved learning about fossils and were really interested to see Mr Lambert's collection. They have been learning about time in maths and are getting very good at using digital clocks. They have also done some amazing dancing. We also had a visit from a police officer who told us about how she protects people.
18th March
This week Hawks class have been painting landscapes based on places that we saw on our walk around Nether Wallop. In English we started learning about non-chronological reports so that the children can work towards writing their own report about Wallop. In maths we have been learning about money and have practised finding totals and giving change using pounds and pence. We have also been thinking about the concept of protection and have written questions to ask a police officer about how they protect people.
11th March
This week Hawks class have enjoyed planning and writing their own stories. They have been learning about money in maths. In Science that have been learning about erosion. The highlight of the week was our walk around Nether Wallop. The children were amazing and enjoyed being in charge of reading the map.
18th February 2022
This week Hawks class finished our Iron Giant models. We also finished our Brunel biographies. We worked hard to learn about fractions in maths.
11th February 2022
Hawks class have enjoyed making their 'Iron Giants' this week. They have learnt how to attach moving parts. In Science they investigated magnets. They have written some super newspaper reports and have shown an excellent understanding of fractions.
4th February
Hawks class have enjoyed investigating magnets in science. In music they have been singing in rounds. They have designed Iron Giant robots to make next week. If you have any nut-free packaging that we could use please send it in on Wednesday. They had great fun interviewing their friends and writing biographies. They have done a great job of division in maths. They have also learnt about devotion in RE and have made a paper chain with a name of someone they are devoted to on each link.
28th January 2021
This highlight of this week was our fascinating visit to Winchester Science Centre. The children had lots of fun and the adults were very proud of how well they all behaved. As well as this we have been writing newspaper reports, learning about multiplication and editing work on the computer.
21st January 2022
This week Hawks class have made some super posters about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We have made a timeline to show when Brunel and other important people lived. In computing we learnt how to make a template for a magazine article. Next week we are going to fill it with facts about Brunel. We also made up some super dance routines.
14th January 2022
This week Hawks class have been learning about Brunel. He was a great engineer so the children have been practising their engineering skills by investigating forces. They have been learning addition skills in maths. As well as this everyone had a great time African drumming.
7th January 2022
Happy New Year! This week Hawks class have started a new topic based on The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. they are enjoying the story and have make lovely title pages for their topic books.
Week beginning 13th December
The last week of term is always busy with Christmas crafts and activities. Hawks class have had fun completing festive maths and English activities as well as making crackers and cards to take home. We were excited to have a special visitor on Friday.
Hawks team would like to thank the children and families for their hard work this term and for continuing to smile when things were tough. You really are an amazing bunch! We wish you a happy and relaxing Christmas.
Week beginning 6th December
We have been making animations based on the story of Ernest Shackleton.
lily sofija.mp4
Arley and Oscar.mp4
Week beginning 29th November 2021
It has been another busy week in Hawks. In Science we experimented with transparent, translucent and opaque materials. In English we are working towards writing an information book about Ernest Shackleton. In maths we have been learning about fractions. We have enjoyed designing the sets for our next animations.
Week beginning 22nd November 2021
This week Hawks class have been learning about fractions in maths. We have enjoyed researching penguins and have presented all of our fascinating facts as posters. We have started planning our next animation which is going to be about Ernest Shackleton and have compared his expedition to more recent ones. We have also enjoyed acting out Shackleton's expedition.
Week beginning 15th November
We started making our animations this week. Here are some of them.
Pippa, James and Lily.mp4
poppy and alfie 2.mp4
scarlett and elisabeth.mp4
Sophia and daisy.mp4
Week beginning 8th November
This week Hawks class have been working hard on multiplication this week. Lots of us have been learning our times tables whilst exercising at home! In English we have enjoyed writing diaries about Monty the Penguin. We have answered the questions about Earnest Shackleton that we wrote last week and have made the scenery ready to start filming Antarctic animations next week.
Week beginning 1st November
Hawks class have had a brilliant week. We have welcomed Ms Shearer to the team. She will be with us until January as part of her teacher training. We have started our new topic, 'Happy Feet' and have enjoyed finding out about Antarctic expeditions. We have come up with lots of questions and will be finding out the answers over the next few weeks. We also enjoyed learning how to tap dance like Mumble. In maths we have been learning about measuring capacity and we had great fun measuring rainbows!
Week beginning 11th October
This week Hawks Class have been learning about money. We have had lots of fun finding coins to pay for things. In English we have been performing poetry and even adding sound effects. We have used grid references to find out where to deliver Mr Wonka's chocolate.
Week beginning 4th October
We have had a very busy week. We finished making our sweet boxes and also wrote a letter to Mr Wonka asking of we could visit his chocolate factory. We have practised making graphs and have also learnt a tune on the xylophone.
Week beginning 27th September
This week we have started making our own chocolate boxes. We designed them ourselves and thought about the shape, size and colour we would use as well as how we would decorate our boxes. We have also been learning about maps and used latitude and longitude to work out where to deliver our chocolates to.
Week beginning 20th September
This week we wrote our stories about Charlie and the chocolate factory. We have enjoyed learning about addition. We compared using the paint software on the computers to real painting. Most of us enjoyed the messy painting most! We also used our team work skills to sort out information about different climate zones.
Week beginning 13th September 2021
This week we enjoyed testing sweets! We made bar chart to show our favourites. We have also been planning a new adventure for Charlie in the chocolate factory. We will be writing our stories next week. We already have quite a collection of unnamed jumpers and cardigans. If you are missing one please email using the class email address.
Week beginning: 6th September 2021
This week Arley and Elizabeth have written our blog.
This week we have joined our new classes and made some new friends. We have enjoyed learning about hundreds, tens and ones in maths. We played a fun game. The best thing has been writing about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We love being back at school!
Week beginning 19th July
It has been a very busy and exciting week. We had a brilliant day at the Hawks Conservancy on Wednesday. Our favourite things were Troy the Owl and the secretary bird. We also had a picnic lunch as a treat for earning our class stars on Thursday! We were sad to day goodbye to Mrs Shadwell but we hope she will come back and visit us once she gets used to being retired.
Week beginning 12th July
Hawks class have enjoyed making comic strips this week. We have also been learning about shape. We made paper bridges and tested them with toy cars. We really enjoyed sharing our work with our parents on Wednesday.
Week beginning 5th July
This week we have been writing newspaper reports. Here is Marco's report about the Science Dome visit.
On Thursday 8th July2021 an amazing thing happened. Hawks class went to the Science Dome. It was amazing. They went underwater, looked at the weather and went to the moon. 'It felt like a dream' said one of the children in Wallop. They were shocked because it was amazing. 'I was speechless' said Marco who is someone in Hawks. It was in the hall and it was almost too big for the hall so it nearly went in the kitchen. It cost them four pounds fifty pence to come in. They went in to learn about the physics of science. They discovered the world in a dome. A big thank you to Mrs Brown for making this all possible.
Week beginning 28th June
Hawks class are glad to be back in school. Today we have tried out our new gym equipment.
We have also started reading their new class book, Ada Twist Scientist.
Week beginning 21st June 2021
This week Hawks class have written a newspaper report about George's Marvellous Medicine. In maths we have been learning about telling the time. We have been testing how rigid different materials are in Science.
Week beginning 14th June
This week Hawks class have been measuring length. We used our skills in Science to measure how far different materials stretched. We have also been learning about newspaper reports. We were very excited to have a visit from Mrs Parker and her baby.
Week beginning 7th June 2021
This week Hawks class have enjoyed starting a new topic, Potions! We have started reading George's Marvellous Medicine and have made potions with our own crazy ingredients. We have also become scientists and have been thinking about fair testing by investigating what makes balls bouncier.
Week beginning 24th May 2021
This week Hawks class have enjoyed writing acrostic poems. We have also learnt about division as well as doing some fantastic paintings. We have been working hard all of this half term to earn 50 class stars so we have ended this half term with a pyjama day as a treat.
Week beginning 17th May
Hawks class have enjoyed learning about road safety this week after reading 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith. We have written our own road safety leaflets and made posters.
Week beginning 10th May
This week we had fun making night lights. We also started learning about multiplication and enjoyd playing times tables fishing. In English we wrote our own Hodgeheg stories.
Week beginning 3rd May
We had fun designing light houses this week. We also learnt about how getting the right amount of sleep keeps us healthy. We started a new book called 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith. We have a lot of unnamed jumpers in our lost property box at the moment. If your child is missing a jumper please email the class email and we will try to match your child to one of our homeless jumpers! Please also double check that the names in your child's clothing have not washed off. Named items are much easier to return to the rightful owner.
Week beginning 26th April 2021
This week we had fun learning about electrical circuits. We also had a surprise visit (via video call) from Mrs Parker and her baby. We enjoyed funning 100 laps of the running track for the Captain Tom 100 challenge.
Week beginning 19th April
This week we welcomed Mrs Morrissey to the team. She will be with us while Mrs Parker is on maternity leave. We were very excited to find out that Mrs Parker had a baby girl during the Easter holidays. We had fun in the woods this week. We wrote descriptions of the woods and made animal shelters.
Week beginning 19th March 2021
This week we finished off our Stone Age topic with some fun activities in the woods.
Week beginning 22nd March 2021
This week Henry and Amelia have written the class blog.
'On Monday we made parachutes using plastic bags. We found out that smaller parachutes go faster. We did some research on the Stone Age and made a poster. I liked our art this week because it was secret!'
Week beginning 15th March
This week we learnt about right angles in maths. We also finished our Stoneage stories.
Week beginning 8th March
It has been lovely to welcome back all of our children. This week Ben has written our blog.
'It has been a lovely week back. I enjoyed learning about shapes in maths. My English was fun because I did a whole page. I liked learning about friction and it was fun.'
Week Beginning 1st March
Firstly, we would like to thank all of our home learners and school learners for their hard work over the last 9 weeks. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday. We know that some of you may be nervous but please do not worry - we will look after you and before long you will feel like you have never been away. Parents, please do email the class email address if you have any questions.
Our work over the next few weeks will focus on the Stone Age.
Week beginning 22nd February
Week beginning 8th February
It has been another super week. This week Wellbeing Wednesday focused on Chinese New Year. I hope you enjoy the photos below. Next week is half term. When schools were told to close to most children I sent a message to Hawks class asking them to remember to be awesome. That was nearly 6 weeks ago and I have to say that you have lived up to that every day and so have your parents! I hope you all have a chance to relax and recharge your batteries.
Wellbeing Wednesday - Chinese New Year
Week beginning 1st Feb
Week beginning 25th January
It has been another busy week at home and at school. This week we enjoyed a virtual visit from Vanessa the Vicar who taught us about baptism. Thank you Vanessa. We also finished our London guidebooks and learnt about subtraction.
Week beginning 18th Jan 2021 - Science at home
Week beginning 11th Jan
It has been another interesting week, with children and parents working hard to get to grips with online learning. We have been really impressed with you all. This week we tried out 'virtual playtimes' for the children who were learning at home. They were great fun and it was lovely to see your smiling faces. Keep being awesome Hawks class. We are really proud of you.
Week beginning 4th January
It has been a whirlwind of a week. We would like to say thank you to all the parents and children for your kind messages and for persevering with the online learning. I think most people have been able to access the work on google classroom but please do let us know if you have any problems. After the announcement on Monday night I sent a message to the class asking them to be kind and helpful and to remember to be awesome. From everything that I have seen and heard I think that they have done an excellent job of all three. Thank you Hawks class. You are amazing!
Week beginning 14th December
The staff from Hawks class would like to thank the children and parents for your kind wishes and gifts. It has been a most unusual term but the children have been amazing. Have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.
Bug Hotels
Week beginning 7th December
This week Calum and Monika have written our blog.
'This week we went in the forest to get some sticks for a bug hotel. We painted some beautiful pictures. We read poems and chose our favourites. Today we had Christmas dinner. It was awesome!'
Week beginning 30th November
This week we have been having a great time preparing various Christmas surprises for our families. We have also enjoyed learning about capacity and writing letters.
Week beginning 23rd November
This week we brought in our toilet roll decorations for the Christmas tree. Here are some examples.
Week beginning 16th November
This week's blog has been written by Ginevra and Ranulph.
Our class Christmas dance is coming on well. In PE we are doing well in football too. Today we have done cooking for our maths. We made cupcakes. We have had an excellent week.
By Ginevra and Ranulph.
Week beginning 9th November
This week Daniel has written our blog.
This week I really liked ICT because we went on the laptops and I really liked PE because we had 360 sport. We learnt how to play ‘Chaos tag’.
By Daniel
Week beginning 2nd November
We have had another super week in Hawks. We enjoyed learning a dance, learning about habitats, making poppies and sharing our half term homework. There are some great examples below.
This week we have changed our homework onto google classrooms. All of the children have a been given a letter with instructions and log on details. If you have any difficulties please contact us on the class email. Good luck!
Tutankhamun Watercolours
Times tables challenge - What is the most unusual place or unusual way to learn your times tables?
Music in the fresh air
Week beginning 5th October
We painted our Canopic jars and we wrote in hieroglyphics. We also looked at different ways to pray. My favourite thing this week was all the maths we have done.
By Connor and Nathaniel.
Our Canopic Jars
Week beginning 28th September - Painting Canopic Jars
Week beginning 21st September
I can't believe another week has passed already! This week we have finished our diary entries and started a new story called 'The Timeslip Scarab'. We will be working towards writing our own adventure story over the next couple of weeks. Mrs Parker and I have been very impressed with the addition skills that Hawks have shown this week. We have also researched Ancient Egypt, learnt about safety in the home and started to make our canopic jars.
Week beginning 14th September
It has been a great week in Hawks. We have made online safety posters, made timelines, played musical instruments and started our 'light' topic in Science. Remember to check 'seesaw' for your spellings and homework.
Meet The Teacher 2020
Spellings, timestables and homework have all been added to the seesaw app (link below). All the children have been given letters with their log in details. If you have any difficulties please contact us on the class email.
Home learning - Week beginning 13th July
Home Learning - Week beginning 29th June
We are very proud of the talented children in Hawks. Here is just one example.
Home Learning - Week beginning 8th June
Years 2 and 3 have been thinking about their feelings about lockdown. Here are some of their diary entries.
My experience of lockdown is that I sometimes like staying at home but sometimes I feel like I want to go back to school. The other thing is that I can’t see my friends, but for some of my friends I can still FaceTime and zoom. The fun things I like to do are Trampolining, playing restaurants with my sister, building dens in the garden and exercising. But a bad thing is that I might not have an actual birthday party in June with my friends. Can’t wait to see you but I’ll still miss my family. Sincerely Max
By Evelyne White
Age 7
Lockdown has made me feel super sad because I have not played with my friends for 11 weeks!
I also feel lots of love, happy and cared for by my family. My family help me forget about the virus.
I miss my Nanny and Gaga, Poppa, aunties, uncles and cousins very much.
At night I feel very emotional when I say goodnight to my Mummy and Daddy because I think about it all.
I have enjoyed playing with my brother Henri, he makes me feel safe. I have also loved lots of family time.
Home Learning - Week beginning 11th May
Home Learning - Week beginning 27th April
Home learning - Week beginning 20th April
Easter Holiday Activities
Home learning - Week beginning 30th March
Home learning
From now on the home learning activities for Hawks class will be posted on seesaw.
If you have not already received log on details for this please email the class email to give your permission for us to sign your child up. Our email address is c.hawks@wallop.hants.sch.uk
Once your child is signed up they will be able to see the daily assignments we have set and will be able to send their work to us. We have really enjoyed seeing the work you have sent us so far.
Home Learning - Tuesday 31st March
There are maths and English activities on Emile and Seesaw. Your extra challenge today is to make an outfit for one of your toys (see the video below for some ideas). We used odd socks and spare buttons and beads but you could use any spare fabric or even paper. Please ask your grown up before you cut up anything.
Home learning - Tuesday 31st March
Home learning - Mon 30th March
We have set up new games and activities on emile and seesaw. It would also be lovely to make an Easter card. Get creative and send in pictures of your work to the class email or seesaw.
Week beginning 23rd March
It has been a most unusual week but we all seem to be getting to grips with learning in a different way. Thank you to all of the parents and children who have sent in pictures of their home learning. It is lovely to see what yo have been getting up to. I have shared some pictures below.
Henry has written some very amusing limericks that I would like to share with you:
Mrs Parker was a teacher in year 2,
who found a large octopus in her stew,
said the waiter "don’t shout
or wave it about
or the others will want one too!"
Mrs Sexton is the deputy head,
amazing was the school that she lead,
especially year two,
who knew what to do,
and were never late to bed*.
*sometimes ha! ha!ha!.
Home learning week 1
Week beginning 16th March
It has been quite a week! The children have been amazing and have coped really well with the uncertainty. They have even come up with their own suggested list of learning activities that we have attached below along with the ideas that we sent home in their packs. We have tried to leave you some flexibility with these as we understand that many of you will be trying to work from home as well as support your child with their learning. We have also tried to add some fun activities so that, despite everything that is going on around us all, you have a chance to spend some quality time with your children. If you have any questions and concerns do please contact us on the class email and we will do whatever we can to help. Keep safe and well and we hope to see you all as soon as possible.
Home learning ideas
Homework - 13th March 2020
Week beginning 9th March
This week we have been researching Wallop and have started writing Wallop guide books. We have been learning about shape in maths. We finished making our robots with spinners and levers.
Homework - 6th March 2020
Week beginning - 2nd March
It has been an exciting week. We enjoyed inviting our parents in to read with us each day. Thank you if you were able to join us. On Thursday we dressed up as our favourite book characters are enjoyed sharing stories with Year 6.
Homework - 28th February 2020
Week beginning 24th February
Welcome back. Hawks class have been fantastic this week. They have settled back in after the holiday and worked very hard. This week we have been learning about fractions in maths and have been writing about Brunel. We will be starting our new topic, 'Out and About', next week. Look out for a letter about our walk around Wallop.
Homework - 7th February 2020
Homework - 31st Jan
Week beginning 27th January 2020
On Monday we celebrated Australia Day. We were green and yellow and raised money to support the bush fire appeals. We learnt about Australia and produced a fact sheet.
Spellings - 24th January 2020
Mrs Shadwell's group: hope, hoping, ride, riding, rider, rude, rudest, nice, nicer, nicest
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: chef, shop, sure, mission, special, brochure, sugar, machine, discussion, tissue
Homework - 24th January 2020
Week beginning - 20th January
This week the children started to think about the terrible fires in Australia. They were very keen to help and made some super posters that are displayed around the school. It is because of their enthusiasm that the school have decided to have a dress in green and gold day on Monday. Well done Hawks. You have definitely showed our value of empathy!
Homework - Friday 17th November
Maths sheets are attached below.
Mrs Shadwell's group: could, would, should, couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't, can't, didn't, I'll, they'll
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't, they'll, she'd, centre, century, circle, certain, certainly
Homework - 17th January
Week beginning - 13th January 2020
This week we have been working on addition and subtraction in maths. In English we have started working on newspaper reports. In computing we have been giving instructions to programmable toys.
Homework - 10th January 2020
This week the children will be bringing home spelling sheets related to the following spellings.
Mrs Shadwell's group: cry, fly, dry, try, reply, by, July, my, fry, by
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: telephone, telegraph, telescope, television, teleport, submarine, subway, submerge, subordinate, subsoil
Week beginning 6th January 2020
The children have had a super first week back. We started the new 'Iron Man' topic with some amazing artwork. We have also had fun investigating light in Science.
Homework - 20th December
Week beginning 16th December
The children did a super job of their Christmas play this week. We were very proud of them. They have also been working hard to make Christmas cards. Please can we take this opportunity to thank you for the kind gifts you have sent us and to wish you all a merry Christmas.
Homework - 13th December
Spellings - 13th December
Mrs Shadwell's group - knot, know, knew, knight, knee, knife, knit, gnat, gnaw, gnome
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group - fatigue, intrigue, league, colleague, dialogue, antique, unique, mosque, cheque, picturesque
Week beginning 9th December
This week we have been learning about time and shapes in maths. We have started planning our information books about Shackleton.
Our value of the month is appreciation. We decided to show our appreciation to the people who helped with the Christmas fair by making them thank you cards.
On Friday we enjoyed a super Christmas dinner.
Homework - 6th December
This week we have asked the children to learn their lines for the Christmas Play. If your child does not have any lines to learn please ask them to read a story aloud to you instead.
Spellings -
Mrs Shadwell's group: city, race, trace, ice, nice, rice, price, fancy, circle, cycle
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: gym, pyramid, myth, mystery, though, although, thought, through, busy, business
Week beginning 2nd December
This week we have had a visit from Mr Fowler. He told us about his sailing expeditions. We were very surprised that he had to go without TV for a month!!
Spellings - 29th November
Mrs Shadwell's group - badge, fudge, bridge, fridge, edge, hedge, age, cage, village, huge
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group - eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty, thirty, firty, fifty, ninety, hundred, thousand
Homework - 29th November
Week beginning 25th November
This week we have had a super time learning about Shackleton's polar expedition. We have started making powerpoint presentations about him. We also enjoyed dance and made up super cats dances.
Homework - 22nd November
Mrs Shadwell's group: most, only, host, post, both, every, everybody, to, too, two
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: misunderstand, mistake, mishear, misread, misbehave, rebuild, redo, retry, replay, reappear
In maths we have continued to learn about multiplication and division. Copies of the worksheets that were sent home are available below.
Maths Homework - 22nd November
Week Beginning 18th November
This week we met Bracken, our new school dog. At the moment she is still very young and gets tired easily so she doesn't come every day. We are looking forward to seeing her again soon.
We have continued rehearsals for our Christmas Play. Letters about costumes are coming home tonight.
Now that the weather is getting colder please can we ask that children bring jogging bottoms for PE as, weather permitting, we aim to get outside for one of our PE lessons each week.
Homework - 15th November
All of the children have been given multiplication and division sheets to complete. You may also like to think about 'fact families'. Eg 3x2=6, 2x3=6, 6 divided by 3=2 6 divided by 3=2.
Mrs Shadwell's group: most, only, host, post, both, every, everybody, to, too, two
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: misunderstand, mistake, mishear, misread, misbehave, rebuild, redo, retry, replay, reappear
For an extra challenge try writing each word in a sentence.
Week beginning - 11th November
What an exciting week! In maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. In English we have been working towards writing a diary for Monty the Penguin. We have made super plans and will write our final diary entries next week. We have also started practising the songs for our Christmas play. We will be allocating parts soon, so keep an eye in your child's bag for a letter. If you have any spare nativity costumes at home that you do not mind lending to someone please let us know. Four of our children went to the 'New Age Curling' competition on Thursday. They had a super time. And finally, to round off the week we have celebrated 'Children in Need' by wearing spotting clothes to school. Hawks class also joined in with the 'Big Morning Move' and had great fun exercising together.
Homework - 8th November
This week we have been focusing on measuring length in maths. The children have all been given a measuring sheet. For an extra challenge you could see how many different shapes you can draw that have a perimeter of 20 cm.
Mrs Shadwells group: door, poor, floor, because, old, gold, told, hold, sold, cold
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: worry, worrier, silly, sillier, silliest, happy, happier, happiest, cry, cried
Week beginning 4th November
Our new topic is 'Happy Feet'. We will be using penguins as a focus for our writing and will also be thinking about polar explorers. To start us off we went on our own expedition, but not as far away as the South pole! We used a map to explore the school grounds and hunt for clues.
Week beginning 21st October
We had a busy week preparing for our parents afternoon. The children loved using Alex's recipe to make rocky road for their parents to taste. Thank you to all of the parents who were able to visit us.
Parents afternoon
Week beginning 14th October
It has been another busy week. In English we have been learning how to write letters and we have also typed an invitation to the parents. We are hoping that as many parents as possible will be able to join us next Wednesday to share our work. In maths we have been learning about money. If you would like some extra practise at home please practise giving change.
Mrs Shadwell's group: mind, find, kind, wind, behind, wild, child, children, climb, beautiful
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: appear, disappear, caught, naughty, autumn, August, different, often, though, although
Homework - 4th October
Writing task - Write a diary entry as if you are Charlie on the day that he finds the golden ticket.
Spellings - Mrs Shadwell's group: some, come, welcome, said, every, everybody, here, there, where, everywhere
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: where, wear, break, brake, there, their, they're, sun, son, ate
For an extra challenge try using each worn in a sentence.
Week beginning 30th September
It has been another super week in Hawks. The children have acted out and written some fantastic stories about Charlie's next adventure after he leaves the chocolate factory. They have also been working hard on addition and subtraction.
We seem to be accumulating a lot of lost jumpers at the moment. Please will you double check that your child has all their jumpers and that they are named so that we can make sure we return them. If you are missing any items please ask your child to check the pile on top of the cupboard in the cloakroom. Thank you.
Homework - 27th September 2019
Spellings - 27th September
Mrs Shadwell's group - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, eight, weight, freight
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, eighty. eighteen, obey, survey, sleigh, reign
Homework - 20th September
This week we would like all of the children to practise their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. For an extra challenge you could also try the 4 times tables. They have all been given passwords for Times Tables Rockstars if you would like to use it.
Week beginning 16th September
The children have been working really hard this week. In maths we have been thinking about ordering 2 and 3 digit numbers. In English we have been writing a non-chronological report about chocolate. We have also been thinking about healthy diets in Science.
Week beginning 9th September 2019
Welcome back. We hope you all had a relaxing break. The children have settled in well and are already working hard. We are pleased to welcome three new friends to the class as well as our new teacher, Mrs Parker. This week we have had a super time tasting sweets. Peach rings were the most popular. In English we have been writing descriptions and in maths we have been thinking about number sequences.
Spellings - Mrs Shadwell's group: help, helps, helped, helping, be, bee, see, sea, blue, blew
Mrs Sexton and Mrs Parker's group: change, changes, changing, reach, reaches, reaching, splits, splitting, pushes, pushed
Homework - 13th Sept
Year 3 - Homework
English - We have finished writing stories about Ada Twist. The children have impressed me with their imaginative, and often revolting, ideas about what the peculiar smell could be!
Maths - We have been working on multiplication problems. Please continue to learn your times tables over the holidays.
Spelling - The children have been practising the Year 3 spellings. They have chosen 10 that they find tricky to learn as their spellings this week and have written these into their reading diaries.
Year 3 Homework
Maths: We have been revising our knowledge of addition and subtraction, particularly subtracting using exchanging.
English: We have been planning a story about a young scientist named Ada Twist. We also wrote reports about Armed Forces Day. Well done to Robin, whose report was chosen to be published in the school newsletter.
Spellings: Group 1 - cause, because, child, children, beauty, beautiful, every, everyone, everybody, everywhere
Group 2 - therefore, though, although, thought, thoughtful, thoughtless, through, ,weigh, weight, weightless
Year 2 spellings - 5th July
This week all of the children have been learning to double the consonant when adding ed, ing, er or y to a word with a short vowel sound. Please learn the following spellings. For an extra challenge use them in sentences.
dropped, stopped, skipped, cutting, winning, travelling, bigger, wetter, sunny, runny
Year 3 Spellings - 28th June
Group 1: eat, treat, heat, cheat, peak, speak, cream, dream, team, steam
Group 2: he'll, heel, heal, plane, plain, groan, grown, rain, rein, reign
Year 2 Spellings - 28th June
Orange group: when, went, with, they, then, some, going, doing, saying, maybe
Blue group: bright, night, quiet, sight, frightened, height, white, polite, quite, write
Year 2 spellings week beginning 24th June
light, night, might, door, floor, poor, old, gold, cold, hold
could, would, were, every, great, might, light, night, right, through
Year 3 Homework - 14th June
Maths: We have continued to work on multiplication and division. Most children have tried using the 'chunking' method.
English: We have started writing a question and answers book of fascinating facts.
Spellings: Group 1 - cloud, found, round, around, ground, shout, shouted, shouting, house, mouse
Group 2 - found, around, shouted, rough, trouble, young, double, country, tough, enough
Year 3 Homework: 7th June 2019
Maths: We have been learning about multiplication and division. Please continue to practise your times tables.
English: We have been learning about punctuating speech.
Spellings: Group 1 - ear, hear, clear, fear, near, nearly, year, here, there, where
Group 2 - clear, nearly, year, beard, here, severe, interfere, cheerful, deer, volunteer
Year 2 Spellings - 7th June 2019
Orange group: six, seven, eight, nine, other, another, mother, brother, nothing, Monday
Blue group: other, another, mother, brother, nothing, none, Monday, dozen, above, glove
Year 3 Homework - 24th May
English - We finished our lighthouse stories and read them to Year 2 (pictures below). We have started to learn about newspaper reports so we wrote an article for the school newsletter. Here are two examples:
'On Tuesday 21st May 2019 Year Three's teacher, Mrs Sexton, decided that Year Three could read their stories that they had been working so hard on to Year Two. Year Two's teacher, Mrs Brickell, said yes so Year Three read their stories to Year Two. They were divided into two groups, one with Mrs Sexton and one with Mrs Brickell. Nobody wanted it to end! Finally, everybody lined up to go back inside.'
By Ferdy
'On Tuesday 21st May Year 3 read their stories to Year 2. They wrote them about the lighthouse.
They read them because they were excellent stories. Each Year 3 could pick a few Year 2s. After they had read it they could pick a few more.
They read them on the benches and in the wood. They could read on the playground too. The Year 2s were delighted.'
By Harriet
Maths - We have been learning about addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Spellings - Group 1: quick, quicker, quickest, block, blocks, pack, packs, packing, luck, lucky
Group 2 all have individual spellings written into their reading diaries this week.
Year 2 Spellings - 24th May
Orange group - metal, petal, local, pedal, animal, one, two, three, four, five
Blue group - metal, petal, pedal, local, total, capital, animal, medical, magical, hospital
Year 3 Homework - 17th May 2019
Maths: This week we have continued learning about time.
English: We have written stories about a lighthouse that broke down.
Spellings: Group 1 - gym, crystal, syrup, symbol, saw, when, where, which, what, went
Group 2: gym, cygnet, myth, Egypt, Egyptian, mystery, hymn, crystal, syrup, symbol
Year 2 Spellings - 17th May
Orange group: word, work, worm, worst, world, once, over, out, off, old
Blue group: word, work, worm, world, worth, worse, worst, worthy, worship, workshop
Year 3 Homework - 10th May 2019
Maths: We have started a new unit on time. Please practise telling the time to the nearest minute.
English: We have made booklets about electricity. Next week we are going to be writing a story about an emergency when the bulb in the lighthouse breaks.
Spellings: Group 1 - could, couldn't, should, shouldn't, would, wouldn't, didn't, can't, I'm, I'll
Group 2 - couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't, didn't, can't, I'm, I'll, I'd, he'll, she'd
For an extra challenge use each work in a sentence.
Year 2 Spellings - 10th May
Orange group: one, day, they, want, water, this, play, way, tree, seen
Blue group: water, war, warm, wart, swarm, dwarf, towards, reward, warning, wardrobe
Year 3 Homework - 3rd May 2019
Maths - The new homework seems to have been a success. The children were very proud to bring their homework folders back and many of them brought them back early! This week we have been learning about fractions. I have sent home fractions sheets in the children's folders this week. Please complete these and return them by Wednesday.
English - We have been writing an information text about electricity.
Spellings - Group 1: like, spike, fire, hire, spire, wire, ice, nice, slice, spice
Group 2: quickly, friendly, calmly, lonely, closely, lately, gently, simply, happily, grumpily
For an extra challenge try using each one in a sentence.
Year 2 Spellings - 3rd May 2019
Orange group: also, all, call, fall, tall, ball, wall, small, walk, talk
Blue group: all, fall, small, also, always, already, altogether, walk, talk, talked
Year 2 Spellings - 26th April
Orange group - said, could, would, should, like, again, out, about, house, home
Blue group - copy, copying, worry, worried, happy, happier, reply, replied, funny, funniest
Year 3 Homework - 5th April
Maths - Please continue to learn your times tables.
English - Over the holidays you might like to keep a diary.
Spellings - Group 1: start, started, starting, farm, farmyard, charm, charming, sharp, part, parting
Group 2: ache, anchor, Christmas, school, choir, echo, know, knew, knowledge, knitting
Year 3 Homework - 29th March
Maths - We have been thinking about division. You may like to practise families of multiplication and division facts.
English - We have been researching the Stone Age and will be writing our non-chronological reports next week.
Spellings - Group 1: bird, third, shirt, fur, furry, church, burger, butter, better, longer
Group 2: happy, happier, happiest, copy, copied, worry, worried, funny, funnier, funniest
Year 2 spellings - 29th March
there, they're, their, new, knew, blew, blue, are, our
Year 2 Spellings - 22nd March 2019
Orange group - of, off, want, them, very, some, same, come, came, take
Blue group - station, nation, fiction, lotion, motion, fraction, operation, imagination, position, direction
Year 3 Homework - 22nd March 2019
Maths - We have been learning about multiplication. Please continue to learn your times tables.
English - We are practising the skills we need to write a non-chronological report about the Stone Age.
Spellings - Group 1: ear, hear, here, there, their, they're, found, sound, sounded, around
Group 2: ear, hear, here, there, their, they're, meet, meat, not, knot
For an extra challenge try using each word in a sentence.
Year 3 Homework - 15th March 2019
Maths - We have been measuring this week. We hope you enjoyed the Stone Age biscuits we baked!
English - Our next topic is a non-chronological report about the Stone Age. You might like to research some fascinating facts for your report.
Spellings - Group 1: they, some, found, home, here, stuck, wanted, but, when, have
Group 2: actual, actually, history, imagine, increase, increased, important, interest, interested, interesting
For an extra challenge try each spelling in a sentence.
Year 2 Spellings - 15th March 2019
Orange group - has, had, did, but, put, then, than, been, have, from
Blue group - badly, happily, careful, playful, hopeless, homeless, sadness, happiness, enjoyment, amazement
Year 3 Homework - 8th March 2019
Maths - This week we have been learning out addition and subtraction. We have been working with 3 digit numbers. Next week we will be moving on to measurement. On Tuesday we will be practising our measuring skills by baking Stone Age biscuits. Please check your child's bag for the permission letter for this activity.
English - This week we have written our own stories about an adventure in the Stone Age. I have been extremely impressed with the quality of the work the children have produced. They have certainly been working hard.
Spellings - Group 1: superhero, superimpose, superhuman, supermarket, supersonic, went, morning, played, saw, next
Group 2: automatic, automatically, automobile, automated, autopilot, superhero, superimpose, superhuman, supermarket, supersonic.
Well done to Year 3 this week. They have earnt 50 class stars which means they will be able to choose a class treat. They have asked to have another pyjama morning. We will send you a text with the details when we have confirmed a date.
Year 2 Spellings - 8th March 2019
Orange group - called, made, make, don't, out, just, jump, look, good, home
Blue group - fly, flies, try, tries, dry, dries, baby, babies, berry, berries
Year 2 Spellings - 1st March
Orange group - said, really, going, because, time, who, what, where, were, could
Blue group - usual, sure, sugar, television, treasure, please, ease, cheese, noise, because
Year 3 Homework - 1st March 2019
Maths - This week we have been learning about money. The children are getting good at finding totals and giving change using prices up to £10.
English - We have started a new book, Stone Age Boy, and will be writing our own stories about having an adventure in the stone age.
Spellings - Group 1: February, forward, fruit, grammar, group, saw, when, there, their, they're
Group 2: February, forward, fruit, grammar, group, guard, guide, heard, heart, height
Year 3 Homework - 15th February
Maths - After half term we will be learning about money. If go shopping over the holiday why not try finding the correct change.
English - Our next unit is going to be about writing in the first person eg I went swimming. You might like to keep a diary over the holiday.
Spellings - Group 1: helpless, helpful, helpfully, painful, painfully, angry, angrily, happy, happily
Group 2: rough, tough, enough, exercise, experiment, extreme, extra, exercising, extremely
Year 3 Homework - 8th February 2019
Maths - We have been learning about the time. Please practise telling the time at home using analogue and digital clocks
English - We have been practising describing characters and settings. You might like to see how different authors do this be reading a selection of books at home.
Spellings - Group 1: help, helpless, helpful, pain, painless, painful, quick, quickly, slow, slowly
Group 2: helpless, helpful, helpfully, painless, painful, painfully, angry, angrily, rough, roughly
For an extra challenge try using each spelling in a sentence.
Year 2 Spellings - 8th February 2019
colourful, forgetful, joyful, softest, brightest, loudest, coldly, softly, quietly, helpless
Year 2 work - Friday 1st February
English - Plan an adventure based on Paddington in the snow
Maths - Create a tally chart on a subject of your choice. Maybe ask your family about their favourite flavour crisps or their favourite London landmark. You could tidy your bedroom and make a tally chart to show the colours of your teddies or toy cars.
Spellings - These are your new spellings: write, wrote, written, wrap, wriggle, wrong, wrinkle, wren, wrist, wreck
Year 3 work - Friday 1st February
Reading - Please read to an adult for 10 minutes and talk about the story. You can use your school reading book or any book from home. If you have a newspaper or magazine read an article and talk try to find 3 facts and 3 opinions.
Maths - We were going to be learning about 3d shapes today. There are links to 2 games below.
English - Write a story about a snowman. Perhaps he could come to life and go on an adventure.
Spellings - Please ask an adult to test your spellings and times tables
New spellings to learn for next week are:
Group 1 - mission, discussion, passion, impression, expression, possession, session, permission, issue, tissue
Group 2 - complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, difficult, different, early, earlier, earth
Year 3 Homework - 25th January
Maths - We have been learning about fractions.
English - We have finished writing our stories about when Katie and the lion visit Wallop. We are very proud of them. Next week we are going to be making guide books about London. You may like to research some fascinating facts over the weekend.
Spellings - Group 1: shop, shark, push, shake, should, shouldn't, show, shown, wish, wished
Group 2:chef, shop, sure, mission, special, brochure, sugar, machine, discussion, tissue
For an extra challenge use each word in a sentence.
Year 2 Spellings - 25th January
valley, alley, money, chimney, turkey, trolley, hockey, donkey, smiley, jersey
Year 3 Homework - 18th January 2019
Maths - This week we have been learning about fractions. How many different ways can you show 1/2?
English - This week we wrote a letter to the Queen asking if she would like to visit Wallop. I wonder if she will reply?
Spellings - Group 1: ship, shark, push, shake, should, shouldn't, show, shown, wish, wished
Group 2: chef, shop, sure, mission, special, brochure, sugar, machine, discussion, tissue
Year 2 Spellings - 18th January 2019
baker, baking, baked, bike, biking, nicer, nicest, shine, shiny, shined
Year 3 Homework - 11th January 2019
Happy New Year.
The children had a very busy first week back at school and have all worked incredibly hard.
Maths - We have been learning about addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers. There are some problems on prodigy if you want some extra practise.
English - We have started a new text called 'Katie in London' by James Mayhew. Katie travels around London on a magical lion. Over the next couple of weeks we will be building up towards writing our own stories about when Katie visits Wallop on her lion. Perhaps you could talk about the sorts of things that she might see and do while she is here.
Spellings - Both groups have the same set of words this week
telephone, telescope, telegraph, television, teleport, subway, submerge, subordinate, subsoil
Year 3 Homework - 14th December
Maths - We have been learning about multiplication and division. Please continue to practise your times tables.
Spellings - Group 1: cloud, now, about, clown, down, found, ground, power, shout, shower
Group 2: help, helpful, hope, hopeful, beauty, beautiful, fair, fairness, happy, happiness
For an extra challenge use each word in a sentence.
These spellings will be tested on Friday 11th Jan.
This is the last homework of the term. I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. The children have worked so hard that they deserve a rest over Christmas so I will not be setting formal homework next week. However, if Santa brings them a book it would be great if they kept reading. Puzzle books are also brilliant for keeping your maths skills on track and there is always Prodigy or Times Tables Rockstars. Have a lovely Christmas.
Year 3 Homework - 3rd December
Maths - We have been learning about addition and subtraction using numbers up to 1000.
English - We have been learning about writing letters. You might like to try writing your own letters at home, perhaps to a relative or maybe to Santa.
Spellings - Group 1: bird, third, girl, church, fur, furry, helper, better, sister, louder
Group 2: fatigue, intrigue, league, colleague, dialogue, antique, unique, mosque, cheque, picturesque
For an extra challenge use each word in a sentence.
Year 2 Spellings
We have been learning about silent letters. Please learn the following words. For a challenge use each word in a sentence.
knee, knock, know, kneel, knead, gnat, gnaw, gnarled, gnash, gnome
Year 3 Homework - 30th November
Maths - We have been learning about shapes. Please help your child to find right angles around your house.
English - We have just finished writing spider stories. We are looking forward to reading them to the rest of Hawks. Next week we are going to start learning about letter writing.
Spellings - Group 1: eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, ninety, hundred, thousand
Group 2: gym, pyramids, myth, mystery, though, although, thought, through, busy, business
Year 2 Spellings - 30th November
This week we have been learning about words with 'c' making a 's' sound. Please learn the following spellings.
cell, city, fancy, ice, nice, race, rice, twice, office, voice
For an extra challenge try writing each word in a sentence.
Year 3 homework - 23rd November
Maths - This week we have been learning about place value, in particular adding 10 or 100 to a number. There are some questions about this on Prodigy. Please also practise your times tables.
English - We have been thinking about adding dialogue and questions to our stories. Next week we are going to be writing stories about a spider who is thrown out into the garden. You might like to talk about some ideas.
Spellings - Group 1: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Group 2: eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, ninety, hundred, thousand
Year 2 Spellings - 23rd November
energy, gem, giant, giraffe, magic, jacket, jar, jog, join, adjust
Year 3 Homework - 16th November
Maths - This week we have been learning about money. Please practise finding totals and giving change.
Spellings - Group 1: team, cream, stream, meat, me, be, feet, street, tree, three
Group 2: disappear, disagree, rebuild, retake, recalculate, return, mishap, misplace, undo, uncover
For an extra challenge try writing each word in a sentence.
16th November - Year 2 homework
Every week with Year 2 is a fantastic week and this week has been no exception! The children work incredibly hard in all of their work and amaze me more everyday.
In English, we are reading Fantastic Mr Fox and the children have produced some wonderful writing in relation to characters, events and have also made connections to real life contexts.
In Maths, the children have been working with money this week: looking at coins and pounds, making the same amount with different coins and adding and subtracting money. This week's Prodigy Maths assignment is live today.
Spellings for this week: Mr, Mrs, badge, bridge, edge, fudge, age, change, charge, huge.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Year 3 Homework - 9th November
I have been especially proud of the Year 3 children this week. They have worked exceptionally hard and been very polite to visitors around the school.
Maths -We have started learning about time. It would great if you could encourage your child to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks.
English -The children have been working on using interesting descriptions for characters and settings. You might find it fun to read or make up stories together.
Spellings - Group 1: take, mistake, hear, mishear, read, misread, do, redo, try, retry
Group 2: misunderstand, mistake, mishear, misread, misbehave, rebuild, redo, retry, replay, reappear
For an extra challenge try using each word in a sentence
9th November - Year 2 homework.
This week, the children have been busy learning about money in Maths and have been making the same amounts of money using different coins.
In English, we have started our new unit of work, featuring the story of Fantastic Mr Fox. The children are learning to write information texts based on their learning of animals and their habitats. This week's spellings are: 1.children 2.again 3.pretty 4.because 5.clothes 6.sure 7.sugar 8.busy 9.who 10.Christmas.
Prodigy Maths assignment is live from this morning and will end Thursday 15th November.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Williams
2nd November - Year 2 homework.
This week, the children have been working with measurement and have focused on length. We have been working with mm, cm and meters. Everyday we begin our maths lesson with mental arithmetic and the children have been answering questions based on addition, subtraction, 2s and 10s multiplication tables and division problems.
In English, we are beginning our new unit of work in relation to animals and habitats. This week's spellings are: 1.could 2.should 3.would 4.door 5.floor. 6.poor 7.water 8.parents 9.any 10.many.
Year 3 Homework - 2nd November
It has been a really busy first week back. As well as our normal lessons we have been working in different classes on remembrance activities. Our finished work will be on display in the hall soon.
Maths - This week we have been learning how to measure weight. There are some activities on Prodigy or you might like to try out your skills by doing some baking. Please also continue to practice your times tables.
English - This week we have made information books about Egypt for the library. Please learn the following spellings:
Group 1 - calm, calmer, tall, taller, tallest, late, later, latest, sister, over
Group 2 - worry, worrier, silly, sillier, silliest, happy, happier, happiest, cry, cried.
For an extra challenge try writing each word in a sentence.
Year 3 homework - Friday 19th October
Maths - We have been thinking about measuring length this week. We had great fun wrapping up our friends so that we could measure the length of the bandages we would need to make a mummy! There are some measuring questions on Prodigy. Also, please continue to practise your times tables.
Spellings - This week the spellings are based on either words that the children have found tricky in their written work or words from the Year 3 word list (words that the children should know by the end of this year).
Group 1: saw, every, really, want, wanted, call, called, said, walk, walked.
Group 2: accident, accidentally, address, answer, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build
Year 2 homework - Friday 19th October
It has been a fabulous first half-term and the children have produced some fantastic work! I'm already looking forward to returning to school following the half-term break!
For English, the children are learning the following spellings: 1. class 2. grass 3. pass 4. pass 5. plant 6. path 7. bath 8. half 9. every 10. everybody
In Maths, we have been learning about halves, quarters and thirds alongside the 2s, 5s and 10s multiplication tables. There will also be prodigy assignments for this week and the following week. They will run Saturday to Thursday.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs Williams
Year 3 homework - 12th October
Maths - This week we have been learning about fractions. Please practise finding fractions of numbers. Please also continue to practise your times tables. I am very pleased with the progress the children are making with them.
English - We have started learning about non-fiction books. We will be writing books about Egypt next week. You might like to find out some fascinating facts.
Spellings - Group 1: was, saw, there, they, them, this, then, every, everywhere, everyone
Group 2: appear, disappear, caught, naughty, favourite, different, often, though, although, straight
For an extra challenge try using each word in a sentence.
Year 2 homework - 5th October 2018
Firstly, I would like to say thank you for the continued support with the children's spellings. It's wonderful to see their home spelling books filling up with all the practice they are doing at home!
The spellings for this week are: climb, eye, most, only, both, old, gold, hold, told, beautiful.
This week in maths we have been practicing multiplication and have been working with the 2s, 5s and 10s multiplication tables. If you would like to practice these at home, that would be fantastic! Prodigy Maths assignment will go live this evening and the children also have there usernames and passwords for Times Table Rock stars.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Williams.
Year 2 homework - 28th September 2018
In year 2 this week, we have been busy working on addition and subtraction and there is a Prodigy assignment live now to practice and embed the skills the children have been learning.
The spellings for this week are: steak, even, people, money, find, kind, mind, behind, child, wild. Again, it is important that the children practice spelling these words in contextual sentences, not only to reinforce the learning of the phonemes but also to use them correctly in a corresponding sentence.
All the children should have a reading bookmark with their reading diaries, which gives you suggested questions to support and deepen their comprehension. This week we are focusing on prediction. If you can't locate the bookmark, have no fear, let me know and I'll get another sent home as soon as possible.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Williams
Welcome to Hawks Class 2018/19
Year 2 homework - 12th October 2018
It has been a busy and wonderful week in the Hawks class. The children have been working on division problems, drawing on their knowledge of the 2s and 10s multiplication tables. It would be great for the children to continue to practice their times tables at home and recall the number facts with increasing fluency.
In English, the children have produced some wonderful writing in the form of any information text, describing Egypt.
Spelling for this week:
1. Beautiful 2. Move 3. Prove 4. Improve 5. Who 6. After 7. Fast 8. Last 9. Past 10. Father
Prodigy Maths assignment will be live from this evening and don't forget Times Table Rock Stars!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Williams
Year 3 Homework - 5th October
Maths - This week we have been learning about division.
English - We enjoyed reading our adventure stories to Year 2. Now we are learning how to write an information text so we can write a book about Egypt for the library.
Spellings - This week I have repeated some of the trickier spellings as well as adding some new ones.
Group 1 - there, they're, their, to, two, too, eight, ate, where, wear
Group 2 - there, they're, their, to, two, too, which, witch, favourite, beautiful
For an extra challenge write each spelling in a sentence.
Year 3 Homework - 28th September
Maths - In maths this week we have been learning about multiplication. The children have been working out facts from their 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. Many thanks if you have been helping your child to practise at home. It is really paying off. Some children have also begun to think about related facts eg If 2x3=6 then 2x30=60. I have set some multiplication problems on prodigy.
English - We have been learning about adventure stories and will be writing our own next week.
Spellings this week are:
Group 1 - their, there, they're, them, then, they, this, that, was, saw
Group 2 - their, there, they're, ate, eight, where, wear, sun, son, Friday
For an extra challenge practise the words in sentences.
Year 3 homework - 21st September 2018
Maths - This week we have continued to learn about addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers. We have also played a new game on the computer called Times Tables Rockstars that will help us to learn our tables. All children now have a username and password so they can log on at home or at school. You may like to use this when you are learning your tables at home.
Spellings - Group 1: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, weigh, sleigh, weigh, eight, weight, freight
Group 2: Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, sleigh, weight, eight, grey, drey, straight
For an extra challenge try writing each one in a sentence.
This week's spellings are homophones which can be easily confused and misused. We are also beginning to look at spelling exception words. The children have their () spelling practice books in their book bags and it would be fantastic for them to practice these, writing them into sentences:
there/their/they're, to/too/two, night/knight, Great/Break.
A prodigy assignment for this week is now live with a focus on addition and subtraction.
Don't forget, if you have any queries, questions or simply would like a chat, don't hesitate to contact me.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Year 2 Homework
The spellings for this week are still focused on homophones. It would be greatly beneficial to the children if they practice spelling the words and writing them into sentences to help with their contextual understanding.
Flour/Flower, Bear/Bare, Hole/Whole, One/Won, Here/Hear
For maths, there is an assignment which should be live tonight for the children to complete on Prodigy Maths.
Have a great weekend!
Year 2 Homework
The spellings for this week are still focused on homophones. It would be greatly beneficial to the children if they practice spelling the words and writing them into sentences to help with their contextual understanding.
Flour/Flower, Bear/Bare, Hole/Whole, One/Won, Here/Hear
For maths, there is an assignment which should be live tonight for the children to complete on Prodigy Maths.
Have a great weekend!
Year 3 homework - 14th September
Spellings this week are as follows:
Group 1: aim, paid, strain, play, away, stray, same, cake, plate, crane
Group 2: vein, reins, veil, eight, freight, weight, straight, grey, prey, they
For an extra challenge trying using each one in a sentence.
In maths this week we have been learning to add using 2 or 3 digit numbers. We have used apparatus to split the numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. Well done to the children who practised their place value skills on Prodigy this week, I have set some addition and subtraction questions for next week.
Please also continue to practise your tables. I was very impressed with the improvement this week. I can tell you have been working hard on these and your hard work is paying off.
Year 2 Homework - 7th September
The spellings this week are based on homophones. The children need to know when to use each of the following spellings so you will need to give them in context eg 'I can see a tree.' and 'The boat sailed on the sea'. For an extra challenge your child could write the whole sentence.
see/sea, blue/blew, be/bee, sun/son, quiet, quite.
Year 3 Homework - 7th September
Maths - In maths this week we have been learning about place value. I have set some place value questions on Prodigy. Your child has also been given a slip stating what times table to learn. Please learn up to 12 x your number. We will do a times table test every Friday. When your child has scored 12 out of 12 three times they will move onto the next level.
Spellings - Your child has brought home a spelling list today. There are two spelling groups. Your child's group is noted on the top of their spelling list.
Group 1: helps, helped, helping, run, running, reach, reaches, skips, skipped, skipping
Group 2: change, changes, changing, reached, reaching, splits, splitting, pushes, pushed
Challenge for both groups: Write a sentence for each word.
Archived 2017/18
20 July 2018
On behalf of Mrs Shadwell, Mrs Buttery and myself we would like to wish you all an amazing summer holiday and we hope you have lots of fun!
Happy Summer!
P.S. Thank you to all those who sent cards and gifts it was very kind of you.
19 July 2018
Wow, what a great day we had at the Museum of Army Flying on Monday! It was great to see all your wonderful work on display. The work is situated in hanger 2 and will be there to view the whole summer. Mrs Shadwell and I were very impressed with your behaviour and you were super representatives of Wallop Primary School.
11 July 2018
What a great few days we have had! You have all worked too hard on your Design and Technology project based on food & nutrition
We have practised cooking skills, taste tested food, explored healthy eating, explored the herb garden and planned, made, tasted and evaluated a dish! Well done! a very busy 3 days. Mrs Shadwell and I really enjoyed this too.
Please check out the photos of the fun we had.....
Sports Day - What a great day! Thanks for coming to watch.
5 July 2018
Sports day tomorrow! Don't forget sun hats, lots of suncream and water bottles! Mrs Hughes is hoping to get lots of photos.
Next week we are completing a Design and Technology project based on food and nutrition. Don't forget to bring back the permission slip so you can take part in all the activities we have planned.
Spellings - Next week there are no new words to practise in class as we shall be doing a spelling assessment. Should you wish to work on spelling different words please use the lists below. These words can be practised using 'look cover write check' , pyramid writing or rainbow writing. Please use whichever strategy works best for your child.
Year 2 Year 3
4 July 2018
What a great day we had on Tuesday! Look at all the amazing work you produced. Our classroom looks like a gallery.
16th June 2018
First of all I must say well done for winning the reading competition on the 8th June! I am super proud. Let's keep reading and see if we can win again before the end of term. Mrs Hughes has got your reward ready for Monday!
Last week you produced some super work. Mrs Buttery, Mrs Shadwell and I have really enjoyed reading your newspaper reports about Jacks adventure on the baked beanstalk.
In Maths we worked on position and direction. Can you remember which is your left hand? right foot? which way do you turn for anti clockwise and clockwise. Here is a link to Hip Hop Granny to show your family...https://www.bbc.com/sport/supermovers/42626760.
We are utilising the FIFA World Cup to support our ICT lessons and also win more team points. Mrs Hughes and Lily got the first 5 points! Well done Russia! Don't forget to bring your research ready for Tuesday.
Here are this weeks spelling words....
Don't forget Library day is on a Tuesday and good luck to the 4 Hawks children taking part in the athletics on Monday.
We hope you all have lovely weekend. See you next week
25th May
What a busy week we have had! We hope you have all enjoyed your extra day at home? Attached below are some tasks you may wish to complete.
Spellings - Today's spellings will be tested on Monday 4th June and the new list on Friday 8th.
Please look below for the words for the 4th and these are the new words....
After half term we are moving onto traditional stories with a twist! It would be great if you could read stories such as the 3 Goats, 3 Pigs, Little Red Riding hood etc over the holiday.
Please keep reading! fingers crossed we can keep improving our reading percentage.
Below are photos of our shape work and planning our dance moves during the PH sports PE lesson.
Work for Friday 25th May
18th May 2018
Another busy week in Hawk class. All the children have worked hard with their SATs tests - well done.
Your child should have brought home a new prodigy log in. Feel free to use at home if you would like. By using this new log in we will receive updates on how your child is doing.
Don't forget to bring your 'Tim Peake' research to school on Monday. We will use it to help construct your newspaper report.
We have new class members this week - 5 chick hatched and are now resident outside our class. Very exciting.
The Garden party was a huge success. Thank you for coming to join us. Below are some photos of the afternoon.
*Now to be tested on Monday 4th June*
11th May 2018
Well done Hawks, our reading percentage is going up! We nearly have half the class reading 3 times in a week.
Don't forget to check out our amazing art display in the hall - can you find your prints?
Last week you wrote amazing newspaper reports about the 1969 moon landing. Your homework is to research Tim Peakes time in space! Hopefully the AAC Air museum will let us display work writing.
Below are the spelling words for next Friday
7th May
Well done Hawks class for remembering to bring your planners and reading books every day. Fingers crossed we can all remember every day this week. Please nag Mums / Dads / Grandparents to sign your planners to show you have read to them!
We have finished our work on 'Journeys' and we are now moving onto to space explorers. Mrs Hughes will be giving you researching homework to help with your writing over the next 3 weeks.
Mrs Shadwell and Mrs Hughes loved your printing. We are going to celebrate your artistic talents by displaying your masterpieces in the school hall for everyone to enjoy. Hopefully it will be ready to view by the end of the week.
We hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend! See you Tuesday!
27th April
Well done Hawk class our reading percentage has gone up by 4%. One person read 6 times!!! Please try to read one more time each week and our percentage will hopefully keep going up. I wonder what our class reward will be when we win???
From Monday 30th April you will change your home reading books on the day you complete your guided reading activity with the Teacher.
Monday - Enid Blyton group
Tuesday - Julia Donaldson group
Wednesday - JK Rowling group
Thursday - Roald Dahl group
Friday - David Williams groups.
Please bring your planner and books daily as you may need them to read to an adult, practise your spellings and record your spelling score on a Friday.
You will get 1 house point each day you bring your planner and at the end of the week, 1 house point for each time you have read at home!
Don't forget your PE needs to be in school everyday.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Spellings - The words are linked to the spelling focus we have in class
23rd April 2018
What a great day we've had. We walked over 4 miles this morning!!!!!! and had some bonus animal treats too!
We are very proud of your attitude whilst walking along the country roads and also the amazing pencil sketches you drew around Nether Wallop. We shall use these sketches in our next art lesson!
Can you remember the link between St George and Nether Wallop Church???
We would like to say a huge thank you to Vanessa, Mrs Wells and Mrs Woodrow for supporting us on our walk, along with Alix from the village for providing refreshments for us in the village hall.
20th April 2018
We hope you had a great time at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard yesterday! Thank you to Mrs Lovell and Mrs Francis for joining us. What a great day!
Please check back later for photographs!
On Monday we are walking to Nether Wallop Village to explore the building types and find out the link between the church and St George! Make sure you are wearing comfortable walking shoes and bring a sunhat! The church will be providing refreshments.
Please try to read at least 3 times a week! We would love to win the school reading competition! 28 marbles in the jar if we can!
Below are the spellings to be learnt for Friday 27th April. The spelling words are based upon the spelling activities we are doing in class during that week. Don't forget you can practise them in the following ways....
- look, cover, write, check
- rainbow writing
- pyramid words
- make a matching game
- cut up the word and remake
- make the word with play dough / magnetic letters.
Action Stations fun!
Easter Holiday Challenges
Earn 5 house points for each challenge you complete
Next half term we are going to be
'Epic Explorers'
Challenge 1 - send Hawk Class a postcard about where you have been exploring over the Easter holiday.
Challenge 2 - research an 'explorer'. What facts can you find out about them? We will share this research on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th April.
Challenge 3 - read at least 3 times each week of the holiday. Don't forget to ask Mum or Dad to sign your planner.
Don't forget to keep practising your times tables.
We all hope you have a great holiday! Happy Easter.
Hawks learnt about weighing by making biscuits.
Work for Thursday 1st March
10th January 2018
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas!