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Buzzards Y1 Mrs Brown

Welcome to Buzzards Class - Yr1


Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Meaton and Mrs.Eyles



Don't forget your PE kits and book bags

23rd July 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,


The past year has whizzed by and now it has come to an end!  I just wanted to wish you the best of luck in Year 2.  Thank you all for your lovely gifts. I hope that you all have a wonderful summer!

Best Wishes

Mrs. Brown


12th July 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

We have had another busy week!  In English, we have been retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and thinking about how to make it more interesting.  We have been using some great adjectives!  In maths, we have been going back over the concepts that we are not so confident with.  We have been doubling, halving and measuring time.  Next week, we will revisit money and months of the year.  In D.T., we designed and made our healthy ice lollies which we will be evaluating next week.  In science, we observed the seeds we planted and potted our bean plants.

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown



1. Practise the recognition of the different coins.

2. Lots of counting!


Also, please read your FFT book for fluency and practise your spellings.


5th July 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

This week, in English, we started our new book, 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.  We are learning how to retell the story in an entertaining way.  Next week, we will be exploring different versions of the same story and thinking about the similarities and differences between each.  In maths, we have been revisiting number bonds because we seem to have forgotten them!  These are some good online games:


Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Number Bonds 20 | Math Playground

Save The Whale: Learn bonds of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 or 5 (

Funk Mummy || Quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts || Mobile-friendly version (


In science, we looked at the seeds and bulbs we planted last week and recorded the changes.  In art, we made some  minibeast collages which were amazing!


Have a lovely weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown 


Homework - Please learn your number bonds to 10 and to 20.

Reading - Please read your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings - Please see below.






28th June 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

Wow!  What a week we have had!  We had moving up afternoon on Tuesday, Sports Day on Wednesday and Armed Forces Day today! Alongside, we have had our usual learning.  In English, we made kites and then wrote the instructions for others to make them.  Today, we have been writing instructions to plant sunflower seeds.  Next week, we will move onto Jack and the Beanstalk. In Maths, we continued working with capacity and we also had a fun session with measuring seconds.  In Art, we used oil pastels and compressed charcoal sticks to draw some rather fantastic minibeasts.  Yesterday, we carried out lots of planting in Science.

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,


Mrs. Brown




Please see attached bird counting sheet.  These will be needed for Monday’s English lesson.

Also, please read your FFT book for fluency and practise your spellings.


21st June 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we have been writing instructions to create the paper planes we made last week and over the weekend.  These will now be photocopied for Kestrels to try and make!  In maths, we have been working with capacity.  This will be continued next week.  We will then move back onto number bonds.   In art, we quickly sketched minibeasts and flowers from film clips using different media.  In PSHE, we talked about the internet and the fact that not everything seen on the internet is true.  In computing, we created algorithms to programme our Beebots, and in P.E. we learnt some shot-put skills and practised for Sports Day.  We finished the week by planting seeds and looking at the bean seeds we hung in our classroom window previously.

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown



1. Practise the recognition of the different coins.

2. Work out the algorithms with which to programme the Beebot.


Also, please read your FFT book for fluency and practise your spellings.




Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we started our new book, ‘Paper Planes’ by Jim Helmore and Richard Jones.  We concentrated on imperative verbs, so that we can write instructions.  On Wednesday, we made some paper planes.  We found this very tricky, so I have sent home some paper, so that the folding can be practised at home.


Please click the link here for the plane we are trying to make:


Bing Videos


Please decorate and name the best plane and bring into school on Monday.  Next week, we will be writing the instructions to make the planes, for the children in Kestrels class to follow.  In art, we started our new unit on ‘Flora and Fauna’.  We responded to the work of two artists using a range of different media. In PSHE, we talked about how to use our voice to communicate when we are unhappy, and not our hands.  In computing, we continued with our unit on robots, and in history we started to learn about early flight.  We finished the week with our fantastic visit to the Army Flying Museum.  What a busy week we have had!

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown

7th June 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we have been writing our flying pig reports, and in maths, we have been solving division problems using arrays. In science, we started our unit on plants.  We tried to decide how we could tell if something was a seed or not.  We also started our bean experiment.   In art, we finished our bird sculptures, and in PSHE we talked about how the internet can be useful to us.  In computing, we started our unit on robots and in music we have started to appraise classical music. 

Please click on the link below for a video I made during lockdown to support the homework.


Division (


Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown

Homework: I have given you a choice of homework.  You may do either picture or both!

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached.  In addition children will be tested on all of the days of the week and numbers from 1-20.  These have been covered in class many times, so there should only be one or two which need to be practised.

Counting – Number bonds to 10 and 20






10th May 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we have been writing our own stories – a sequel to ‘There’s a Tiger in the Garden’.  In maths, we have been adding with a blank number line, and in P.E we continued to practise for Sports Day. In art, we made some interesting surfaces on paper to use for our birds next week. In science, we went to check on the experiment we created in our meadow last week and in R.E. we experienced how Jewish people celebrate Shabbat.

Children will be assessed next week for their ability to count back from 100 and for counting in 2s, 10s and 5s.  Please practise over the weekend as there will be rewards for those that can do this fluently!

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached

Counting – See above 





3rd May 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,


I can't believe where this week has gone!  In maths, we have been adding and subtracting 10 efficiently and some of us moved onto adding 9 speedily too.  I have sent home some games and activities to support this.  In English, we have been writing about one of the characters in our own story using adjectives and similes.  We also started to write some letters to our friends in New Zealand.  In geography, we were weather forecasters and in P.E. we practised some skills for Sports Day.  In art, at the start of the week, we used all sorts of different media to draw feathers.  Next week, we will be making textured paper which we hope will resemble the bodies of birds.  In science today, we went to the meadow to create an experiment.  We want to see if different minibeasts are attracted to different materials.  Would they prefer wood or metal?  We took lots of different materials with us.  We will check on these next week.  The highlight of our week was the fantastic assembly from IROCK!

Have a super weekend!

Best wishes

Mrs. Brown

26th April 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we have been learning about similes and we also practised a little more with contractions (didn’t and couldn’t).  In maths, we have been sequencing numbers, and in P.E we continued with running and passing the baton efficiently. In history, we organised some of the more important events in the life of King Charles III into chronological order. In science, we continued with our new topic ‘habitats’, and went to look for different habitats within the school grounds.  Sadly, we didn’t find many animals.  Perhaps it is still too cold!  In art, we started our new unit on making birds.  This week, we started by sketching birds from film clips.  Next week we will be drawing feathers.

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached

Counting – Please focus on half and double. 






19th April 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

Our new term has started and we have been very busy!  We finished our art from last term and we will be starting a unit on making birds from next week, which I am very excited about!  In English we have started our new book, ‘A Tiger in the Garden’ and we have been learning about contractions (e.g. she’s, he’s).  We have also been adding exclamation marks. In maths we have been using dienes to show the value of the digits in 2-digit numbers.  In P.E we concentrated on running, in readiness for Sports Day later in the term. In history, we have started to research the life of King Charles III, and in PSHE (life skills) we looked at the needs of humans at different points in their lives.  We have also started to learn about different habitats. I have added this term's topic map below.

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached

Counting – Speedy recall of all number bonds to 10/20, counting backwards from 100, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 






27th March 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

We have reached the end of the term! In English, we finished our persuasive letters and in maths, we have been revisiting quarters and coins.  In D.T., we made Easter cards and in music, we practised using the glockenspiels again.  We are getting much better!

I am sending home the PE kits.  I would be most grateful if you could check that the name labels are still visible, the kits fit and they are complete.

There are 50 outstanding ‘Love to Read’ books.  Please could you check that you have returned all the books which you have borrowed.  Thank you!  We ran out of time today to choose new 'Love to Read' books, so we will do that on the first day back.

Have a super Easter!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see below (optional).

Reading  – Please practise reading your FFT book for fluency (sent by email).

Spellings – Please see below.

Counting – Speedy recall of all number bonds to 10/20, counting backwards from 100, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.






22nd March 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we have been writing persuasive letters and in maths we have been revisiting multiplication and time.  In science, we have been exploring some unusual animals and trying to determine whether they are predators or prey (or both). In P.E. we practised throwing and catching with control, and in D.T. we completed our moving pictures.



I have heard that Harry, our class teddy, is on his way back to Wallop from Wales and is bringing with him some Welsh cakes. These are the ingredients that are in Welsh cakes: SR Flour, caster sugar, butter, sultanas, eggs and milk.  If you feel that your child will not be able to take part in trying these, please let me know before Monday, when we will be expecting his arrival.

Have a great weekend!


Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown



Homework: Please see attached

Reading – Please read at least 3 times per week!

Spellings – Please see attached

Counting – Practise number bonds to 20 and counting back from 100.




15th March 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we started our new book, Meerkat Mail, by Emily Gravett.  We have been learning how to apply the ‘un’ prefix.  In maths, we have been working with number bonds.  Please practise with the red/yellow cards which we sent home earlier in the year. If you have lost them, please ask for some more or make your own.  I will attach some other number bond learning ideas to our website.  Next week, we will be seeing who can recall them speedily.  In D.T., we started our moving picture, and in gymnastics, we practised jumping and balancing. In music, we have been learning a song about spring, for our arts festival, and used the glockenspiels to accompany the piece of music we learnt last week.  Today, we have been learning about how animals move to survive.  Finally, we ended our week with our wonderful arts festival!

Have a lovely weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for next week.

Counting – Speedy recall of all number bonds to 10/20 (to match your work sheet)






8th March 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we researched facts, about our own choice of polar animal, using the computers, and then wrote sentences using the information we found out, to create a fact file.  In maths, we have been counting in 5s and some of us have been learning the 5x table.  In art, we used watercolours to respond to the work of artist, Emma Burleigh, and in gymnastics, we practised twisting and turning. In music, we have been learning a song about spring.  We have also been learning about ‘pitch’, ‘tempo’ and ‘dynamics’.  In computing, we have continued to learn about the information that computers need to respond.  This week we have been looking at the word ‘property’ and how objects can be grouped.  For example, if we just type ‘circle’ into the computer, we will be presented with a multitude of different things.  If we can be more specific (e.g. red circle), the computer will be more selective.

Have a lovely weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached. Count in 5s to 100 speedily for next Thursday. 5x tables speedily for some.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for next week.

Counting – Counting in 5s (5x table for some)

1st March 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

What a busy week we have had! In English, we researched facts, about polar animals, using the computers, and then wrote sentences using the information we found out.  In maths, we have been weighing objects to see which was the heaviest and lightest.  In science, we looked at the foods eaten by our pets, and then tried to predict what wild animals might eat.  In R.E., we listened to the Easter story, and in P.S.H.E., we talked about how to keep our teeth healthy.  In gymnastics, we practised different ways of curling and stretching, and in art, we responded to the work of the great artist, Paul Klee, using a variety of different media.  Finally, today we dodged the rain showers and went on a spring flower hunt around the school grounds.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for next week.

Counting – Back from 100 at speed, 2s and 10s (times tables for those who have been learning them)




25th February 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

This week, in English, we started working with our new book, Poles Apart, by Jeanne Willis. We have been adding the suffix ‘er’ and ‘est’ to root words and then writing sentences to compare.  In maths, we have been learning about quarters, and in science we shared our homework about the foods that we eat and our pets eat. Next week, we will be using this information to predict what other animals might eat.  In R.E., we started our new topic about welcoming, and in P.S.H.E., we talked about how to keep ourselves healthy.  In music, we performed our musical composition to each other which we created last term.  In gymnastics, we practised different ways of travelling and rolling, and in art, we experimented with watercolour paints.


Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for next week.

Counting – Back from 100 at speed, 2s and 10s (times tables for those who have been learning them)




9th February 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

This week, in English, we finished our newspaper reports. In maths, we have been using addition and subtraction to solve problems, and in science we revisited carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Next term, we will continue with animal survival and move on to habitats.  It would be great if the homework attached could be completed over the holiday, so that it can be shared with the class on the first week back.  If you do not have a pet, perhaps it could be a relative’s pet instead.  In R.E., we considered and discussed the importance of things changing for Christians, and in P.S.H.E., we thought about how we are the same as, and different to, other people.  In music, we created a musical composition using the images of aliens, planets, rockets and spaceships.  In dance, we performed our space sequences to each other, and in art, we made a clay alien of our own design.


Please could children bring in a box so that they can take their clay models home.  I have bubble wrap, but I think a box with bubble wrap would be even better!


Please could I ask that you check your children’s P.E. bag for a grey sock which has gone missing.  Thank you!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see attached. 

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for 23rd February.


2nd February 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

This week, in English, we attempted to write a newspaper report on the first moon landing. In maths, we finished our unit on multiplication and moved onto measuring and sequencing time.  In R.E., we learnt about the miracle of the blind man, and in P.S.H.E. we discussed how bodies and feelings can be hurt by words and actions.  In music, we created sounds to accompany images of aliens, planets, rockets and spaceships.  We then decided which musical instruments we could use instead. In P.E., we practised dribbling and the short pass and in art we made aliens out of clay to match the images in our book.  Next week we will be creating a clay alien of our own design.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached. Video clip - click below.

Arrays from multiplication sentences (


Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for next week.

Counting – Back from 100 at speed







26th January 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

The weeks seem to be flying by!  This week, in English, we started our new unit of work about newspaper reports. We will soon be writing our own newspaper reports about the first moon landing.  In maths, we continued multiplication and we have started to use the multiplication symbol.  In R.E., we learnt about Jairus’ daughter, and in science, we learnt about our sense of touch and how this sense helps to keep us safe.  In music, we sang some space songs in different voices and listened again to ‘Mars’ by Holst. We were also able to watch a film because we had managed to fill our bead pot!

Next week, we will be assessing children on their counting skills.  We will be counting to and back from 100, counting in 2s and 10s (times tables for the group of children who learnt these) and checking number bonds to 10 and 20.  Please practise over the weekend.  Extra homework stickers will be awarded to those who can do these.

Thank you!

Best wishes,



Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for next week.

Counting – See above






19th January 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,


Today we said goodbye to Miss Taylor. She has been a wonderful addition to the Buzzard team and she will be greatly missed!  On a happier note, Harry, our class teddy, arrived back from Scotland today and brought some shortbread for us to try.  On Monday, we will decide where to send him next.  In English, we completed our space stories and made little books. Next week, we will be starting a unit on information texts.  In maths, we have started to learn about multiplication.  We have begun with repeated addition and we will move onto the multiplication symbol next week. In Life Skills (P.S.H.E), we acted out different emotions for the rest of the class, and in R.E. we learnt about Zacchaeus, the tax collector, and how he changed after speaking to Jesus.  In science, we had a fun time testing our sense of smell and taste.  Finally, in computing, we learnt how to change the font type, size and colour within a document.


If there are any outstanding ‘Love to Read’ books and FFT books at home, please could you return them. 


Some children do not have their PE kits in school. I would appreciate it if you could send these in on Monday.  I seem to be doing a lot of washing every week!


Thank you!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for next week.

Counting – Please continue to count in 2s and 10s (times tables if you have been taught them).  Please also practise counting back from 100.

12th January 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

This week, we welcome Miss Nesbitt who will be part of the Buzzard team until Easter. This week in English, we have been improving our work with adjectives and starting to think about a problem and solution for our own space stories.  In maths, we have been learning about odd and even numbers, practised counting in 2s and started to learn to count in 10s.  A few of us have been learning the 10x table.  In dance, we added the next part to our space sequence, and in history, we learnt about the first moon landing.  In art, we used a variety of media (including chalk, charcoal, pencils and pastels) to recreate the aliens from our book, ‘Field Trip to the Moon’.  In science, we continued to learn about the senses, with a focus on hearing, and in PSHE, we talked about loneliness, how to recognise it, and what we could do about it.  In music, we moved our rockets to ‘Mars’, by Gustav Holst and learn a song about rockets.  Thank you so much for supporting the children at home with their homework and spellings!

There are several PE kits not in school.  Please can you check that your child’s PE kit is not still at home.  Thank you!

Thank you!

Best wishes,


Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for next week.

Counting – Count in 2s and 10s.  Children will be tested on both next Thursday and stickers given for fluency.  For those learning the 2x table and 10x table - there will be an additional sticker if  you can recite them perfectly and speedily by next Thursday. Extra challenge: speedily

recall the 2x and 10x table out of order (e.g. 5 x 2 = 10, 9 x 2 = 18, 2 x 2 = 4) for an additional


5th January 2024


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

Welcome back everyone! We have managed to fit so much into such a short week!  This term, our topic is ‘Space Race’. In English, we have been sequencing the story from the book, ‘Field Trip to the Moon’, by John Hare. We have also been using time connectives in our writing.  In maths we have been learning how to count in 2s and a few of us have moved on to learning the 2x table.  Next week, we will be counting in 10s and working with odd and even numbers.  In dance, we have been learning a sequence linking to the first moon landing. In music, we have been learning a space song and appreciating the music of the great composer, Gustav Holst. ‘Mars’ is a spectacular piece from his orchestral suite, ‘The Planets’, and we will be concentrating on this for the whole of this term. In Life skills (P.S.H.E), we were thinking about all the different things which make each of us special, and in R.E. we started a unit called ‘Changes’.  This week we were thinking about things which have changed in our life.  This term, science will concentrate on how animals stay alive, so this week we discussed the importance of the sense of sight. We finished our week with digital writing using the new Chrome books.

If there are any ‘Love to Read’ books and FFT books at home from last term, please could you return them on Monday.  Please also remember to send in PE kits (and jogging bottoms for outside) if you haven’t already.

Thank you!

Best wishes,


Mrs. Brown

Homework: Please see attached.

Reading  – Enjoy your ‘love to read’ book and practise reading your FFT book for fluency.

Spellings – Please see attached and practise these ready for next week.

Counting – Count in 2s.  There will be an additional sticker if you can reach 30 fluently by

                 next Thursday. Extra challenge for an additional sticker – reach 100 fluently.

                 For those learning the 2x table - there will be an additional sticker if

                 you can recite it perfectly and speedily by next Thursday. Extra challenge: speedily

                 recall the 2x table out of order (e.g. 5 x 2 = 10, 9 x 2 = 18, 2 x 2 = 4) for an additional


15th December 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

What a busy term!  This week, we have been finishing our Christmas decorations.  We also made some Christmas cards. In maths, we have all being doing different things to fill some gaps.  In English, we have been writing our letters to Santa and in science we have been learning about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.  On Tuesday afternoon, we watched the Nativity play which was performed by Kites and Kestrels.

We have sent home all the P.E. kits.  We have nothing left in our cloakroom.  Please could you ensure that your child returns to school with a full P.E. kit and that everything fits.  Please could you double check that you child’s name has not washed out and remark if necessary (including cardigans and jumpers).


It was so busy today that I forgot to hand out the spellings - sorry!  I have attached the spellings below.


Have a wonderful Christmas!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown


Homework: None

Reading – Enjoy you ‘love to read’ book.

Spellings – Please see attached. Please practise these ready for the new term.

Counting – Any counting that you can do over the holiday will be beneficial.

8th December 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

On Monday afternoon we watched the pantomime, which was very entertaining! In maths, we have been learning to double, and in English, we started our new book, ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’. We started the week by changing singular nouns to plurals.  We also practised adding the conjunction ‘and’ into our sentences and using persuasive vocabulary.  In D.T., we continued with our Christmas tree decorations, and in computing, we tried to paint a sunflower using our new Chrome Books.  In music, we learnt to sing a new Christmas song which will be sung in our last assembly of the year.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached.  Please practise with the ‘double and half’ cards which I sent home last week so that children have a speedy response to both.  Please see instructions attached below.

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see attached. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Quick recall of half of a given number, double of a given number and counting back from 100 rapidly.


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In maths, we have been learning about ‘half’.  We have identified objects which have been cut in half, folded shapes in half and found half of a quantity. In D.T., we continued with our Christmas tree decorations and in computing, we created some digital art inspired by the great artist, Kandinsky.  In P.S.H.E we have been thinking about the qualities of a good friend, and in science, we started our unit on animals.  In geography, we have been learning about the surrounding seas of the United Kingdom and in dance we were the three wise men and star from the Nativity story.  Finally, in music, we continued with our unit of work linked to the countries of the United Kingdom.

Best wishes,



Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached.  Please practise with the ‘half’ cards so that children have a speedy response.

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see attached. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Quick recall of half of a given number and counting back from 100 rapidly.

Friday 24th November 2023


This week, we have been writing up our letters to send to New Zealand and we have started writing our stories.  In maths, we have been learning about days of the week and months of the year. These are the links to the songs we have been singing in class:

Days Of The Week Addams Family (Parody) | Fun songs for Big Kids, Preschoolers and Toddlers - YouTube

12 Months of the Year - THE KIBOOMRS Preschool Songs for Circle Time - Learning Song - YouTube

In D.T., we started our Christmas tree decorations and in computing, we created some digital art in the style of Henri Matisse.  In P.S.H.E we thought about the people in our lives who help to keep us safe, and in science, we tested materials to see if they could be squashed, twisted, bent or stretched.  In geography, we have been learning about the capital cities of the United Kingdom. 

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes

Mrs. Brown




Homework: Please see attached.  Children to have a speedy recall of the months of the year in the correct order.  Advent calendar - draw and colour a small picture in each window (such as holly, gift, Christmas pudding....)

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see attached. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Quick recall of number bonds to 10, 20 or 100 and counting back from 100 rapidly.

Please also practise reciting the alphabet in the correct order until you are speedy.


17th November 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we have been using adjectives.  We have also been writing letters to a school in New Zealand.  In maths, we have continued working with number bonds to 10 and 20.  In dance, we continued with our firework theme.  Next week, we will be starting a unit about the Christmas journeys.   In D.T., we finished our Christmas stockings and started to plan our individual Christmas tree decorations.  In computing, we continued with digital art and in P.S.H.E we thought about the different groups which we belong to.  In science, we revisited the different materials and their properties. 

A number of children do not have their P.E. kit in school.  Please can these be in school at all times.  Now that the weather is getting colder, some navy or black jogging bottoms would be beneficial.  Please could I also ask that all cardigans and jumpers are named.

Many thanks!

Best wishes,



Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see attached. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Quick recall of number bonds to 10, 20 or 100 (depending on the homework your child has brought home)

Please also practise reciting the alphabet in the correct order until you are speedy.

10th November 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

In English, we have been using the suffix ‘ing’.  In maths, we have been finding all the number bonds to 10. Next week, we are moving onto 20.  In art, we finished our print and collage masterpieces and they look great!  In dance, we imagined that we were rockets from fireworks night and in D.T., we made little stockings to sell at the Christmas Fayre. In computing, we created some digital art in the style of the great artist, Mondrian, and in P.S.H.E we thought about what we could do if we felt angry.  In science, we reminded ourselves about the different materials we explored last term.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see attached. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Practise number bonds to 10 (20 for some) until fluent.  I will be checking to see who can do this next week and there will be a prize from the golden box for those that can do this speedily.

Please also practise reciting the alphabet in the correct order until you are speedy.

20th October 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,


We made it to the end of term!  This week, in maths, we have been working hard to learn different methods of subtraction.  In English, we have been writing about a piece of clothing floating around Wallop!  In art, we have continued with our collages, which are looking great!  In P.E. we have been practising the chest pass and creating short sequences in gym.  We have also been doing LOTS of phonics!

Have a lovely break!


Best wishes,

Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see attached. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Practise counting to 80 and back again speedily.  I will be checking to see who can do this next week and there will be a prize from the golden box for those that can do this speedily.

Please also practise reciting the alphabet in the correct order until you are speedy.

13th October 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

On Wednesday, we had a lovely stroll through Nether Wallop village looking for human and physical characteristics.  We also tried to locate the buildings which were once shops. In maths, we have been practising addition and subtraction.  We also looked at the language of ‘faster’ and ‘slower’.  Next week, we will continue with subtraction and then move onto money.  In English, we have been adding the suffix ‘ed’ to root words.  Next week, we will be writing our own story.  In P.S.H.E. (life skills), we talked about keeping our bodies safe and locking away harmful substances.  In science, we discussed why objects are made from different materials depending on their intended use (e.g. why pan handles are often wood or plastic).

Have a great weekend!


Best wishes,


Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see attached

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see attached. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Practise counting to 70 and back again speedily.  I will be checking to see who can do this next week and there will be a prize from the golden box for those that can do this speedily.

Please also practise reciting the alphabet in the correct order until you are speedy.

6th October 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,


On Monday, we joined Hawks in a fantastic assembly to celebrate Harvest.  We displayed our Harvest loaves, explained how we made them, and sang songs. Everyone had practised so hard and it was lovely to see the finished result!  In maths, we have been using the language of ‘more than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’.  We also started our unit on addition and subtraction.  We will be continuing with this next week.  In English, we started our new book, ‘The Queen’s Hat’, by Steve Antony. One of our first activities, was to go on a hat hunt to practise using prepositions.  Next week, we will be adding the suffix ‘ed’.  In D.T. we evaluated our Harvest loaves and in P.S.H.E. we talked about keeping safe online.  In science, we grouped items into their different materials and in P.E. we continued to practise throwing and catching.

Have a great weekend!


Best wishes,


Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see below

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see below. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Practise counting to 60 and back again speedily.  I will be checking to see who can do this next week and there will be a prize from the golden box for those that can do this speedily.

Please also practise reciting the alphabet in the correct order.

29th September 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,


This week we have been very busy making our Harvest loaves, which look amazing!  We have also been learning a story and practising a song to perform during the Harvest assembly.  In maths, we have been finding ‘one more’ and ‘one less’.  I have attached the game so that it can be played at home.  There are some fun online games too. I have attached the links below.

Chopper Squad More or Less - Mental Maths Game - 5 to 7 Year Olds (

Have a great weekend!


Best wishes,


Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see below.

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see below. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Practise counting to 50 and back again speedily.  Please also practise reciting the alphabet in the correct order.

22nd September 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,


We have had such a busy week!  In art, we completed our mini collages and had fun creating some more monoprints.  Next week, we will be printing with fruit and vegetables.  In maths, we have been completing number lines, looking at the value of ‘teens’ numbers and counting with accuracy. In English, we continued to write sentences with finger spaces and full stops. We have been writing about the things which we like to do, and about our friends.  In computing, we have been learning about the different parts of computers and laptops and in D.T. we designed our Harvest loaves.  In geography, we looked at the physical and human characteristics around our school. In P.S.H.E. (life skills), we looked at safety with electrical items, and in gym, we started to link 2 basic gymnastic shapes. 

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,


Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see below

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see below. Please practise these every day at home.

Counting – Practise counting to 50 and back again speedily. 

15th September 2023


Dear Buzzards, Parents and Carers,

It was lovely to see you on Wednesday.  Thank you so much for coming.  For those of you who couldn’t make it, I have attached the information PowerPoint below.


This week, we started some collage in art, we have been counting backwards in maths and we have been using aerial photographs in geography.  In English, we continued to write sentences with finger spaces and full stops.  In science, we have been sorting materials into different categories, in P.S.H.E., we looked at safety in and around the home and in P.E., we worked on our catching skills. 


This week we also started our new phonics and reading scheme.  The book that we have been using this week has been sent home today.  The children should practise reading this daily to their adult to increase their fluency.  Please ensure that this book is returned to school next Friday.  FFT books and ‘love to read’ books will be swapped on Fridays.  Library books will be swapped on Tuesdays.


These are the websites that we have been using for our maths:

Caterpillar Ordering - An Ordering and Sequencing Game ( (sequencing backwards)


Whack A Mole || Counting in steps of 1, 2, 3....12 (


Counting By Ones Song - YouTube


Have a great weekend!

Best wishes,


Mrs. Brown


Homework: Please see below.

Reading – Please read your FFT book daily to an adult.

Spellings – Please see below. Please practise these every day at home.  Children in Mrs. Brown's group are 'green group' and children in Mrs. Meaton's group are 'blue group'.

Counting – Practise counting to 50 and back again speedily.  I will attach the links to the websites that we have been using in class to our web page.  However, you could practise together.  One of you could say one number and the other can say the next number in a ‘ping pong’ style.  This makes it a little more fun!
