School Logo

Information (at a glance)

Information for Parents

Office Hours:

The office is manned from 8.30am- 12noon 1.00pm-4.00pm, an answerphone is available at other times.  

Queries and Questions:

Should you have any queries or questions please speak to Mrs Claire Fernie, the Admin Assistant, who will help you or pass you on to the correct person.  Teaching and learning queries will be dealt with by your child's class teacher.

School Opening Times:

Member of staff on duty from 8.40am, school starts 8.50am.  School finishes at 3.20pm.  The children come straight into school and into their class from 8.40am.


Absences must be reported to the office by 09:30am on the first day of absence, and each day thereafter.

If your child is unwell with vomiting and or diarrhoea,  they must not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of illness. This follows national health and safety guidelines.

Time Off:

Time off for children during term time is not normally permitted.  In highly exceptional circumstances a request needs to be made to the Head Teacher.  Absence must be approved prior to booking.


Wallop Primary school uniform with the logo is available to purchase from Skoolkit at: 

Please ensure that all uniform is named, particularly jumpers and PE kits.


Black trousers, skirt or pinafore;
White polo shirt, with or without the school logo, blouse or shirt;

School Tie (year 3 (optional),4,5,6) -  available from the school office
Blue sweatshirt or cardigan, with or without the school logo;
Grey, black or white socks/tights;
Sensible black shoes.

(Summer uniform - optional) blue gingham dress or black shorts.

PE Kits

Black shorts;
Blue t-shirt;

A tracksuit/jogging bottoms may be worn if the weather is cold.

Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on a Monday for the week.


Children may wear small stud earrings; during PE these must be taped, with tape provided by parents, or taken out.

The school discourages children wearing jewellery.


Only prescribed medicines can be given in school.
Medicines must be in their original, named container.
The office holds a form that must be completed and signed before medicine can be administered.
Prescription medicines will be held by the office to be used when required.
Inhalers/Epipens may be held in the office/classroom for use as required.
There are first aid trained personnel in school to deal with any incidents that may occur.

School Nurse Team

If you would like to speak to the school nurse team regarding your child's health or to visit their website for information please use the following link 


A newsletter is sent home as required, via email.  They are also published on the website.
These newsletters include information, dates, news etc. that will be of interest to parents.

Text/email Message Services:

We run a text and email message service to give you information as necessary.  This has proved very popular as it has removed the need to send messages home with the children in their bookbags.

School Meals:

The hot school meals are provided by Education Catering,  the Hampshire County Council's catering team. Children are able to have a choice of school meals, sandwiches, or a combination of the two.  menu is on a three week cycle, it is changed twice yearly, around April and October. 

Hot school meals are cooked on the premises and are free for children in Years R – 2 and cost £3.20 per meal for Years 3 – 6.

School meals should be paid via the Arbor Portal online system on a weekly basis.

Free School Meals

All children in Key Stage 1 will be entitled to Universal Free School Meals from September 2014.

However, for some of those children, schools will also be able to claim Pupil Premium, which will help provide further support for those children.  The criteria for eligibility is the same as, and comes from, what is the free school meal criteria from Key Stage 2 onwards.


This criteria for eligibility is where parents/guardians are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit, provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit, and have an annual gross income, of no more than £16,190 as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs1
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

No other benefits qualify for free school meals from Key Stage 2 and or pupil premium for Key Stage 1.

For further details and to apply please click on the following link:  Free School Meals

School Milk

Our school milk is provided by Cool Milk.  

School milk is free for children who are under the age of 5 or if they are entitled to Free School Meals as per the eligibility above.

If your child is 5 or above you are able to purchase milk for them.

 If you would like to register your child for milk, please visit the website or  contact the school office for a registration form.

School Bus

There is a free school bus provided by Hampshire County Council School Transport which transports children from the Over Wallop and Middle Wallop at the beginning and end of each day.  

You will need to complete an application form to ensure that you are entitled to use this transport and apply for a bus pass.  This form is available from the school office.

Wellbeing Wood

Our Wellbeing Wood is a multifunctional space that enables us to bring our outside learning to life. It is a whole school initiative that allows all our children to become green creators from Reception Class all the way through to Year 6. The activities we offer includes:

-Woodland reading and storytelling.

-Forest school teaching skills.

-Scavenger hunts and map reading.

-Art, Music and Maths lessons.

-Wellbeing: It is also a space to just be, particularly during SATs weeks. The children enjoy the sensory experience of walking through the woods, smelling the flowers and touching the trees.

