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Kestrels Y2 - Miss Barnes

Welcome to Kestrels Class - Yr2

Miss Barnes

Mrs Eyles


Don't forget

 PE kits, reading books and book bags should be in school everyday 

PE days are Monday and Friday

This week in Kestrels



 Our new topic this term is called The Secret Garden.

A Message to Kestrels W.C. 3.6.24


What a wonderful week we have had! We really enjoyed our trip to Sir Harold Hillier Gardens on Monday. In English this week, we have been exploring our Meadow and writing descriptions using possessive apostrophes and exclamatory sentences. While in Maths, we have been looking closely at multiplication and division- please help us at home by learning our 2x, 5x and 10x tables, if we know these help us to learn our 3x tables. While in RE, we explored our own concept of God, we drew pictures of what we think God looks like. While in Art, we did observational drawing.












Summer One- Once Upon a Time...
