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Eagles Y6 Miss Ryall

Welcome to Eagles Class 2023/24

Welcome to Eagles Class - Y5/6


Teacher - Miss Ryall

LSA - Mrs Fowler



Important Links

Monday 3rd June

This half term, our topic is called 'Sporting Superstars' and we are going to have a fantastic time learning about some amazing sportsmen and women including Usain Bolt. We started our half term with a trip to the Blue Reef Aquarium which they children thoroughly enjoyed.

You can find out more about what we'll be learning next half term by looking at our topic map below. A copy has also been sent home with each child.

Wednesday 17th April


Welcome back! After a lovely break, Eagles class are back to working hard particularly getting the year 6 children ready for their SATs in May. We've started our new topic of Oceans and Seas and you can find out more about what we'll be learning by looking at the topic web below. We've got lots planned including making moving toys, a trip to the aquarium and sports day!

Wednesday 27th March


With the Easter holidays starting tomorrow, it has been a short week but we've managed to pack a lot in. In English, we've been writing stories using our class book 'Gravenhunger' as inspiration. Miss Ryall was particularly impressed with how well we punctuated our speech. In mathematics, we're still working on geometry and our lessons this week have focused on being able to calculate missing angles in various places (e.g. on a straight line, in a triangle etc). As well as this, we got out the big equipment in gymnastics to practise our balances and jumps, finished making spreadsheets to plan a party in computing AND showed off our knowledge of evolution in a science assessment. It's been a busy few days!


Have a lovely holiday and come back refreshed.


 In mathematics this week, we've started a unit on geometry (we'll be learning about shape, angles and co-ordinates). We started by recapping the learning we've done before by exploring 3D shapes by building models of 3D shapes and playing a matching game to help us remember the names of the shapes.

17th January


It has been another busy week in Eagles class. We've been busy practising reading line graphs in mathematics and now we're ready to try drawing our own. In English, we've been learning about synonyms and exploring the impact choosing different words can have on the person reading our work.


As well as all this, we've learnt to serve in volleyball, learnt about discrimination and how to challenge it AND begun learning how to play the recorder to a song we've learnt in music. What a week!


Check back soon to see who this week's headteachers award winners were and find out what they did to earn them.

10th January

In Eagles class, we've quickly got back into routine with our learning. In English, we've been learning to write newspaper reports with a focus on varying our sentences that they don't all sound the same (which can make writing a bit boring to read). In maths, we've done a short unit on place value where we deepened our understanding of negative numbers and we're focused on addition and subtraction with a big focus on solving word problems.

As well as this, we've still found time for all our other lessons! In PE, we've been learning to move to the ball which will help us when we start playing volleyball in a few week's time. In DT, we're going to be creating money containers so we practised the different stitches we've learnt previously and some children even took on the challenge of learning blanket stitch.

Welcome Back - Spring Term

This half term, our topic is 'the Romans'. The document below will give you more information about what we are learning about in each subject and some of the key texts we will be using.

As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns:

This week in Eagles - Friday 24th November 2023

We have been busy learning about how to use colons to start lists in English this week. If you visit the school Facebook page, you will be able to see some photographs of our hard work. In maths, we've been continuing our work on measures by learning how to find the area and perimeter of compound shapes. We've even started looking at how we can use formulae to help us!

Our favourite lesson of the week was learning about computer-aided design in computing where we used tinkercad to build our own 3D models of houses.
