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Owls Y5 Mrs Williams

Welcome to Owls Class - Y5


Class Teacher - Mrs Williams

Class LSA - Mrs Pickering






Welcome to Owls Class 2024/2025

Thursday 19th December 2024


Good afternoon to you all. I can't believe the last day of term has arrived! Owls class have had a wonderfully busy term and most definitely deserve a rest over the holidays. Some of the highlights across the curriculum: 


  • In DT, the children have designed and made cams and followers mechanisms to enable a planet to rotate. 
  • In art, we have been experimenting with collage and monotype printing. 
  • In science, the children have hugely engaged with the 'space' topic.


All in all, a thoroughly great term of learning and fun! 


Below, I have added the topic web for Spring 1. 


Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. ​​​​​​​

Spring 1 (The Mayans) Topic Web

Friday 22nd November 2024


A very good afternoon to you all. Owls class are busy as always and have had another great week learning about space. It has been such a pleasure to see the children so enthusiastic to learn more about space and enjoy the topic so much. 


Likewise in PE, the children have been developing their gymnastic skills and tried out some vaulting this week! 


Have a great weekend everyone. 

Friday 8th November


Good afternoon to you all. This week has been a busy first week following the week break. The children have begun their new space topic and have been massively excited by a personal video message from British astronaut Mr Tim Peake! The children are very curious about the galaxy and are keen to ask lots of questions! 


Don't forget that parents' evenings are being held next week - appointments can be booked on Arbor. 


Have a great weekend! 


Autumn 2 Space Core Knowledge Topic Web

Friday 1st November 


A big hello from school, I hope you're all having a lovely half term break! 


Don't forget to bring your PE kits in on Monday - looking forward to seeing you all back in Owls!

Wednesday 9th October 2024


Owls class went out into the Nether Wallop community today. We walked along the footpaths to Stuart's Bridge to conduct a field study to develop understanding of the features of rivers. It was a brilliant morning and the children were well behaved and more importantly were great fun!

Friday 4th October 2024


What a wonderful week at Wallop! I am so proud of the children in Owls class, they have worked hard the whole time and it is always a delight to mark their work. 


The highlight of the week was most definitely our creative learning today...... they were absolutely awesome in dance and music and I can't wait to invite Owls families in to see the amazing work the children have been doing!


Have a wonderful weekend! 


Mrs Williams 

Friday 27th September 2024


A very good afternoon to you all, Owlets and families! 


This week in Owls class, we have been busy learning about fossils in science. If you wanted to develop and continue this learning outside of school, a visit to Kimmeridge Bay would be great for the children to see some fossils for themselves. 


In PE, we are learning a dance to 'Smooth Criminal', the children are doing a fantastic job! We are also developing our football skills on our amazing school field and two of our children are supporting with the coaching! 


Don't forget Professor Assessor assignment - it is now live for this week. The children have their spelling sheet to complete daily and their reading diaries that need to be signed by an adult each day when they read either their school reading book or love to read book.


Have a fabulous weekend! 

Monday 23rd September 2024


We recently held a meet the teacher evening and it was lovely to see the familiar faces I have come to know. Don't worry if you did not manage to attend, as I am lucky enough to have taught the year 5 children in year 4, you all know me by now. I have uploaded the PowerPoint below so that if you wanted to clarify any information regarding the school year ahead, you have it at your disposition. Equally, you are always welcomed to send me an email at 

Welcome back to Wallop for this new and amazing school year. I have attached below the topics and associated learning for this school year ahead and also the topic web for the first half term. Enjoy your last week of the holidays and get into a good sleep routine now so that you're all ready for a great start back at school!

Long Term Plan Owls 24/25

Welcome to Owls Class 2023/2024

Friday 21st June 2024


It's Friday! 


​​​​​​​Despite the weather changing from one moment to the next, the children have maintained focus and continued to work hard. 


This week, the children have finished writing their biography on Emmeline Pankhurst and have done a superb job! 


In maths, we have begun a new unit on fractions and the children are using their times table facts to support their understanding. 


​​​​​​​In PE, we have been working on team building activities and rounders - my personal favourite! 


​​​​​​​School play preparations are well under way and it will be a great one this year! 


Have a lovely weekend, 


​​​​​​​Mrs Williams 


Friday 7th June 2024


Well, it seems like we haven't had a week away... back into school and working on our new topic: Great Britain!


Although, the weather isn't yet reflecting a warm 'British' summer, we have begun our summer sports in PE: rounders... and how we love this game!


On Monday, we had an excellent day out at the Blue Reef aquarium... check the photos out on the school Facebook page! The children behaved so wonderfully well and were a real credit to the school! 


Don't forget that Year 4 children have their official times table test on this coming Tuesday. Any additional practice with the children at home would be a great help. Some multiplication facts to focus on: 

8 x 6 

6 x 7 

9 x 8 

9 x 7

9 x 6 

12 x 7 

12 x 6 

12 x 8 

8 x 4 

11 x 11 





Friday 17th May 2024


A big hello from Owls! 


This week, we have been finishing our non-chronological reports, practising our track and field events, meeting the King of England, working on Roman numerals... you name it, we've done it! 


​​​​​​​We are busy polishing our times tables at the moment and the children may need a little more practice at home. The times tables facts that would be good for them to go over and over, and then some more are the following: 


9 x 6

8 x 6 

7 x 6 

9 x 8 

9 x 7 

12 x 8 

12 x 7 

12 x 6

11 x 11 


​​​​​​​Thank you, everyone! 



Friday 10th May 2024


It's the weekend! We may have only been at school for 4 days this week, but have still managed to complete lots of fantastic work! 


In maths, the children have been learning to tell the time in 12 and 24 hours and in both analogue and digital time. There is an assignment on clocks on the 'home learning' tab on Professor Assessor (our maths homework online platform). 


In English, we have completed our first draft for our non-chronological report on the 'colossal squid'. I can't wait to see the final piece this coming week. 


In science, the children have been learning about 'living things' this half term and this week have been researching the gestation periods for a range of animals. They have looked at the possible correlation between the size of the animal and the corresponding gestation period. 


Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday 3rd May 2023


Good afternoon everyone! 


We're half way through this half term and we are super busy! This week we have been learning about time, using digital and analogue clocks. This can be a tricky concept with children so practice at home with parents and carers would be very beneficial! 

In English, the children are writing their non-chronological report on the colossal squid and have been practising our drawing skills of squids - they are terrific! 


In PE, the children have practised the shot put for athletics and the associated skills as well as continued practice of relay racing ready for sports day. 


Have a lovely long weekend, everyone! 


Mrs Williams 

Friday 26th April 2024


Happy Friday to you all! With such busy days in school, we're all feeling a little tired so a weekend of rest and relaxation is prescribed. 


This term, we are learning about oceans, seas and rivers and for geography, we are learning about the important rivers in the UK and looking at their journeys. 


In PE, we are practising relay races.... the passing of the baton requires some work but by the time sports day arrives, we will have nailed it! Full PE kits need to be in school all week, every week and will be sent home at half term break. 


In Spanish, the children are learning about weather and seasons. 


Have a fabulous weekend! 

Friday 19th April 2024

Welcome back to school following the Easter break! I hope you have all had a lovely two weeks, but it's great to be back and in the flow of teaching and learning. 


This week, Owls class have begun their new topic on oceans and seas and this will be the area for much of the children's learning for this term. They have begun to look at living things in science and we are looking at some rather unusual sea creatures in English. 


As we approach sports day, we have already started practising our techniques for athletics in PE and are building power and stamina. 


Don't forget that homework is live on Professor Assessor for maths as well as For English, remember your daily reading and spellings! 


Have a great weekend! 


Mrs Williams. 



Summer 1 Topic Map

Attached below is the summer 1 Topic map. It has the learning content for the first half of the term with skills/knowledge statements. 

Friday 15th March 2024


Hello from Owls class! 


This week, the children have been busy developing their skills in cricket and have been playing 'diamond cricket'. Alongside this, they have also been working on their ball and racket skills in tennis. 


For English, the children are using the text driver 'Beowulf' to inspire their writing. They are learning the skills to write a police report on an incident involving one of the characters from the book. 


Have a lovely weekend! 

Friday 1st March 2024


Good afternoon everyone! In Owls, we are continuing to deepen our understanding of the Anglo-Saxon way of life and have begun to put our knowledge into action. The children are writing a letter in the voice of an Anglo-Saxon to the people of 2025. They have learned new words from the Anglo-Saxon era and will be using these in their letters. 

For music, the children are learning a song to perform at the Wallop Arts afternoon. It will most definitely be fun! 


Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 

Friday 23rd February 2024


Happy Friday everyone! The first week back and a very busy one we have had. We have begun our new topic on the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots. In history, we have been learning about the end of the Roman Empire and the changes that occurred following on from this. 

In PE, the children are developing their skills in cricket, practising throwing and catching. Later, we will begin batting. I am already excited to begin rounders in the summer - there is nothing quite like playing rounders with your class on a sunny day! 


Have a fabulous weekend - don't forget to check homework on Google Classroom. 

Friday 2nd February 2024

A big hello from Owls class this week! 


Today, we have been out on a school trip to Butser Farm! It was a great experience for the children to learn a little bit more about the Romans and to understand what daily life might have looked like. We're all rather tired now after such a busy day. 


Have a great weekend! 

Friday 19th January 2024

A huge hello from Owls! This week the children have been busy learning more about the Romans! They have followed the development of the Roman Empire on the map of Europe and have looked further into the roads, bridges and walls constructed by these great engineers. 

In PE, we are working on netball and developing our core strength in gym. 

In just a couple of weeks, we will be visiting Butser farm for our Romans school trip... don't forget to return your completed slips to school. 

Friday 5th January 2024

Hello everyone and welcome back to Wallop following the Christmas break... I do hope you all had lots of fun and restful time. 

Well, we're back and on with our learning! This week, the children have begun their new topic on the Romans and have been looking at how the Roman Empire grew. 

We've also begun a new unit of music and have been learning about pulse and rhythm.

More to come next week... bye for now! 

Spring 1 

Attached below is the topic plan for this half term: 

Friday 8th December 2023 


Hello and happy Friday! 

This week the children have been busy designing their earthquake resistant structures. They have looked at bracing and are using this concept to make their wooden structures more sturdy. In Religious education, the children have been learning about Holi and how this is celebrated in Hinduism. In Spanish, we have been learning about music and have been practising the song 'La Cucuracha'. 


Have a lovely weekend! 

Friday 24th November 2023 


A big hello from Owls! 


Well, we are busy little Owlets... this week the children have finished writing their explanation texts on volcanoes - they are voltastic! 

For our focus artist this term, the children have used paintings by Katsushika Hokusai to inspire their artwork and have produced some fabulous pieces using oil pastels. 

A great week Owls - don't forget to leave PE kits in school all week every week so you don't miss out on important physical activity! 



Autumn 2 

Attached below is the topic plan for this half term: 

Autumn 1


Attached below is the topic plan for this half term.  

  Welcome to Owls Class 2022/2023

Summer 1 

Attached below is the topic map for this half term. 

Topic map - Summer 1 - South America

Spring 2

Attached below is the topic map for this half term. 

Friday 21st October 2022 

Happy Friday everyone! 

This first half of the term has flown by! Owlets have been so busy in the classroom and have produced some fantastic work! This week, we have been writing diary entries in the voice of Ashley, a character from Michael Morpurgo's 'King of the Cloud Forests'. The children have been working hard developing expressive language. 


The volcanoes are finally finished, and I know the cleaners will be delighted to hear this... the paper mache was not the tidiest of activities! 


I can't wait to reveal the next topic for Autumn 2 and the new activities to begin! Have a lovely break everyone and I will see you all back after the holiday. 

Hello from Owls! 

Welcome to the new school year. The Owlets have been super busy this week and are settling into this term wonderfully. 

Remember homework can be found on Professor Assessor and that daily reading books and spellings can be found in reading wallets. 

We are currently practising the 3s and 4s times tables so any extra practice at home would be helpful. 

Happy Monday from Owls Class! 


Don't forget that you can follow us on Facebook to keep up to date on what we get up to in Owls! All homework is uploaded onto Google Classroom each week. 


Hello from Owls! Don't forget that all homework can be found on Google Classroom and to check out our latest photos of the children's work and activities on the Wallop Primary Facebook page. 

Mosaic printing


Hello Owls! This week the children have been working with pastels to complete their Alice in Wonderland portrait. They have done a fantastic job!


Don't forget to keep an eye on the Wallop Facebook page where we share regular photos of the children's work and remember to check Google Classroom where weekly homework is uploaded. 


Thank you from Owls! 




A big hello from Owls! Welcome back after the half term break - I hope the children have all managed to get some rest in. 

I have attached the curriculum map for this term below which will show you all the areas the children will be working on during these next seven weeks before the Christmas holidays. 


Don't forget to keep an eye on Facebook for photos of what we get up to in class! 

Autumn 2 Curriculum map


Owls class have had a great week! We ventured down to the brook to carry out a geographical study of the river and had great fun - not only did we get wet in the water, the rain poured! Nethertheless, we laughed and got to work! 

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for regular updates! 

The Water Cycle


Hello from Owls. I have attached below the Autumn term map. It will give to an idea as to what the children will be learning about this half term and for you to support your child in their learning. Please do let me know if you have any questions and I will do my best to assist you in any way I can.


Mrs Williams 



Autumn 1 topic map


Hi Owls! I hope you are all enjoying your last few days of the holidays! I am so excited to see you all next week. Below, I have attached a the year planner so you can have a little look at what we are going to be doing this coming year!

See you all soon! 


This week Owls have been learning about conductors and insulators. Fair testing has been discussed at length and the children had lots of ideas of how to ensure results would be more accurate. 

Conductors and Insulators


Owls class has had a great first week back and have produced some fantastic work! We have begun our topic on the Mediterranean and have looked at biomes and climate. 

I can't believe this is the last term until the summer! It has been an interesting and somewhat challenging year at times, but our children have shown fantastic resilience and determination and I am very proud!


Well done Owls!


A big hello from Owls this week! Half term is almost upon us and we will sadly be saying goodbye to our Ancient Greece topic. The children have loved learning all about the the Gods and the myths and legends and have produced some fabulous work! We will be cooking this week in DT with some typical Greek ingredients as we say our final farewell to this topic. 


Don't forget that all homework goes on to Google Classroom each Friday. There was a technical hitch on the last file and it was uploaded into drafts - sorry! It is now live as an assignment and ready to access. Please can I remind parents and carers that we encourage to read at least three times during the week at home and this should be signed for by an adult in reading diaries. In addition, we ask that the children practice their weekly spellings each day ready for their spelling test on a Friday. Thank you for supporting the children in this. 


Don't forget to follow the Wallop Primary Facebook page to check out some photos of what we get up to here in Owls! 


A big hello from Owls class! This half term we are learning all about Ancient Greece and the children have thoroughly enjoyed finding out the weird and wonderful facts and stories. 



This week, the children have been working on column multiplication. There is an extra maths sheet to complete on Google Classroom. 



We are just finishing writing our Ancient Greece Guidebooks and the children have worked hard on these. Different topics include: the Olympic games, Gods and Goddesses, Athens and Sparta. Ask the children to share with you what they have learned, I'm sure they will be happy to tell you. 



We encourage the children to be reading at least 3 times a week minimum at home and to be practicing weekly spellings each day at home. All additional homework can be found on Google Classroom. If there are any problems logging on, please do let me know and I will do my best to help in any way I can. 


Have a great weekend. 



Good morning to all our wonderful Wallop Primary families! At last the sun appears to be back with us and shining its glory on our fantastically huge school field - we're very lucky!


Making the most of these sunny days, we began our new unit on Ancient Greece with Olympic events in which our Owls children competed... they were great! However, after demonstrating the standing long jump, my quads are not enjoying getting up and down at the moment. On the contrary to me and my aging legs, the children showed brilliant energy and determination, well done to them. 


This half term, we will be doing rounders and athletics as part of our PE curriculum. Who does not love a good game of rounders? An absolute classic and I sure am looking forward to participating myself - if the quads do so allow. 


Have a fabulous day everyone! 


Mrs Williams smiley


P.s. Don't forget all weekly homework can be found on Google Classroom. 


Dear parents, carers and children, 

I hope you are all well during these turbulent times. We find ourselves confronted with home learning again and we understand that this may present various challenges as you try to help your children to access the work set online. Please do email me with any questions at all and I will do my very best to help in any way I can. 


Work will be available daily on both Seesaw for Year 4 and Google Classrooms for both Year 4s and Year 5s with a view to everyone using Google Classrooms in the near future as we begin to phase Seesaw out. 


Please know that we are here to support you with the children's learning and anything you need, you only need to ask. 


Take care, 


Helen Williams 


Hello from Owls, I hope you are all having a lovely weekend! 

This week, the children have been developing their skills in netball, deepening their understanding of Pop-art and associated artists and have been experimenting with sound and how sounds are made. 


In maths, children have been learning about multiples, factors and prime numbers. Knowledge and quick recall of the times tables are a solid foundation for the children to build their skills on in multiplication and division and we strongly encourage children to practice these as much as possible both in school and out of school. 


In English, we have begun a new unit based on Michael Morpurgo's 'King of the Cloud Forests'. Children will be focusing on their descriptive writing by carefully selecting rich vocabulary and figurative language to develop improved imagery for the reader. 


This weekend, there have been some technical issues in accessing our new homework webpage, but hopefully this will be back up and running tomorrow. 


Kind regards, 


Mrs Williams 


Hello from Owls! The children have been busy this week learning about volcanoes in geography and have been writing explanation texts in English about the stages of a volcanic eruption. In PE, the children are developing their skills in netball - focusing on chest pass, shoulder pass and their footwork. In art, the children have created some sketches in the style of Andy Warhol!


In maths, the Year 5 children have just completed work focusing on aspects of measurement - converting units of time, calculating perimeter and solving problems involving money. For the next unit, Year 5 will be learning about factors and multiples and formal written methods for multiplication and division. 


Year 5 homework can all be found on Google Classroom. Weekly spellings and maths homework are uploaded each week. 


Year 4 homework can be found on Seesaw currently and will begin the transition of moving over to Google Classroom after Christmas. 


Have a good week! 

Year 5s


A big hello for Owls this week! The children have begun work on their new topics for this half term and are all working hard. We are looking at the amazing Earth up until Christmas and are focusing on natural disasters - namely volcanoes. 



In maths this week, the children have been revising different concepts involving geometry. The focus has been on 2D shapes and their properties, angles, coordinates and translation of shapes. Next week, we will be revising problems involving measure which will include time and converting units of time.



The children are learning how to construct an explanation text and this will focus on volcanoes as their masterpiece at the end of this unit. 


All homework can be found on Seesaw. Children will be focusing on 8 times tables this week and will be tested on these on Friday. 


Have a great weekend!


Mrs Williams


A big hello from Owls class this week. I can't believe it's nearly half-term - it's gone by so quickly! All the children have been busy adding the finishing touches to their non-chronological reports to go up on display and they look fantastic! 


Science for this half-term has focused on Space, namely the Earth, the sun and the moon. The children have been learning about the movements of the Earth, sun and the moon in relation to one another and have been analysing evidence which proves the Earth is curved and not flat. 


In geography, we have been looking at lines of longitude and latitude and locating different regions using coordinates. We are also beginning to look at the Arctic and Antarctic and compare the hours of daylight with those recorded in London. 



This week, the children have been working with statistics - interpreting data from graphs. They are currently working on their 6 times table and we encourage the children to practice these at home so that they are able to recall the multiplication facts with speed. Maths homework can be found on Seesaw. 



This week, the children have begun a narrative unit and are learning about the selection of effective vocabulary to describe characters and settings as well as ensuring that the inclusion of speech follows the rules correctly. New reading diaries have gone out and we ask that the children read a minimum of 3 times a week at home. Please could all parents/carers sign the diaries when your child has read? Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. This week's spellings can be found on Seesaw. 


Have a great weekend!


Mrs Williams 


Good afternoon families, 


I hope you are all well and the week has been kind to you. The children have been busy in their learning in Owls class this week and have produced some great work. In Spanish, the children have been learning about weather and acquiring the language structures to describe the different elements. In art, we have been exploring the use of pastels to create texture to recreate pictures of the moon. 



This week, the children have focused on addition and subtraction. Children have explored the changes which happen through the use of different methods when regrouping. Children have been applying their understanding to word problems and more challenging concepts. 

This week the children have been learning the 11 times table and will continue this along the 6 times table for the week ahead. Homework is on Seesaw. 



We have been busy writing up our final masterpiece in English this week. The non-chronological reports about astronauts are almost complete and are looking fantastic! Watch this space! Weekly spellings are on Seesaw and the children know they need to practice them each day. Reading diaries have gone home and children are encouraged to read 5 times a week at home. Please can a parent/carer sign reading diaries after the children read? Thank you. 


Have a fabulous weekend. 


Take care, 


Mrs Williams


Good afternoon children and families. 

In Owls class this week, the children have been developing their skills in football and have been working on ball control and space and movement. 

In computing, the children have learned how to access the school library service and are now able to reserve books which will be given out by Mrs Fowler. 


We have just begun our new unit on addition and subtraction following on from rounding numbers to 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000. Children are practicing the 4 x table this week and are developing fast recall of the multiplication facts. 


We are coming to an end of the English unit we are currently on and children are now writing their masterpiece - a non-chronological report about astronauts and space. 


Homework can be found on Seesaw. 


Have a great weekend.


Dear families and children, 

Another week appears to have flown by and we are now quickly approaching October. It has been a busy week in Owls and the children are working hard in all areas of the curriculum. I am especially impressed with their development in Spanish! They have learned about different forms of transport and are able to say how they get to school. Well done children!


In English, the children are working on the skills which will support them when they come to write their non-chronological report about space and astronauts. The language can be challenging due to the technical content. However, they are taking it all in their stride. 


In maths, we are close to completing the unit of place value and we are currently focusing on rounding. Children are also recalling multiplication facts for the 3 and 5 times tables and will be tested on these on Friday. We encourage children to use Times Table Rockstars at every opportunity at home to strengthen their skills in this area as they will underpin the learning across maths - enabling them to making connections in number. 


Don't forget to read and upload the video to Seesaw! Weekly spellings can be found below. 


Have a good weekend, 


Mrs Williams 


Dear families, 

We have had a super busy week in Owls Class and the children have been working super hard. Alongside the academic content of the curriculum, we have managed to complete the daily mile, football drills, training and even a match! In addition, the children are working on a dance routine to 'War of the World' and are developing their balance and coordination. 


In English, the children are learning about audience and purpose for writing and are looking at non-chronological reports about space and astronauts. They have embraced the technical and topic specific vocabulary and are already including this within their own writing. Weekly spellings can be found below and are also on Seesaw (homework page). 


In maths, the focus has been on place value - recognising the value of each digit in 4, 5 and 6 digit numbers. Furthermore, the children are comparing larger numbers and beginning to order these. There is a maths sheet which can be found below and is also in Seesaw. 


Lastly, we encourage all the children to read daily at home and hopefully reading diaries will be with us very soon. In the meantime, it would be lovely to hear the children read over Seesaw. This can be done by recording the children reading on a smart device and uploading it to the Seesaw website. 


Take care and have a lovely weekend, 


Mrs Williams



Dear parents, carers and children, 

I hope you all had a lovely weekend with the glorious weather we have had. Below, you will find the 'Meet The Teacher' powerpoint presentation. It will give you an idea as to our routines in Owls class. If you have any questions that you would like me to answer, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me at


Have a good day!


Good afternoon, hope you are all well. It has been a fantastic week in Owls class and is wonderful to have the children back in school. This week, the children have been busy learning the new routines and have worked hard in their lesson time. We have been working on place value in maths - counting in multiples and estimating numbers from different representations. In English, the children have been practising using dictionaries, thesauruses and have been using suffixes to create verbs from nouns. The children have got their new Seesaw instructions in their bags to bring home. On here, more homework can be found. This week's spellings have been uploaded below. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Williams 


A very good afternoon to you all. Today has been a fantastic day and it has been wonderful to have all our delightful children back in school. All Owls' students have worked hard during lesson time today and it has been brilliant to see them enjoying their learning. This week, the children are going back over the 3 x table and will be tested on this on Friday.  In addition, children have been given this week's spellings to learn and will also be tested on these on Friday. Please find the spelling list below. 

Have a lovely evening, 

Mrs Williams

Dear Families and Children, 

I hope you are all well and looking forward to the new school year. I have included some information in the documents below which may be useful. The curriculum map will give you an idea of the topics we intend to cover this year in Owls. 

Enjoy the rest of your break and I will look forward to seeing the children on Monday 7th September. 










Welcome to Owls Class 2019/20



Hello everyone, hope you are all getting back into the swing of things following half term. Don't forget to log on to Seesaw daily so that you are able to continue your home learning and access all the daily tasks that I post. Make sure you upload your work to Seesaw or email your it to Owls class email address. It is important that I see it so that I can support you in your learning and address any misconceptions. 

Have a good week everyone. 


Mrs Williams 



Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and keeping safe. This is a quick note to thank you for all your continued support in home learning. The children are producing some excellent work and it's been lovely to see how they have been getting on. 

Next week is half term and this means I will not be uploading any daily activity slides. Therefore, there will be no expectation for the children to complete any work. 

If you have any queries, do not hesitate in sending me an email and I will do my best to help in any way that I can. 

Have a nice week. 


Mrs Williams


Hello to you all. I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Keep uploading your work to Seesaw and emailing me your amazing projects, experiments and baking masterpieces! Keep logging on to Seesaw to complete your daily activities. But, more importantly, take some time for yourself to read quietly, listen to some calm music, do some relaxing colouring. 


Today's assembly can be found below. Have a good day everyone. 




Hello to everyone. Hope you are all ok. The website Seesaw is proving to be a very successful tool for children to access teacher set work. In addition, children are able to post pictures of their work and speak to their teacher through the website. If you are unsure of the login details for your child or you can not locate them in your emails, please do not hesitate to contact me on and I will resend them asap. 


Take care,


Mrs Williams 


Good morning everyone, hope you are all well. Today's work has been uploaded to Seesaw. There is maths, English and history on the slides dated 20.4.20. Each evening, I will upload new slides to Seesaw so that they will be accessible each morning. Let me know if there are any problems and I'll do my best to help in any way I can. 

Take care, 


Mrs Williams 


Good afternoon everyone. Hope you're all keeping safe and well. Just to let you know, daily work is being uploaded to Seesaw. All the parents/carers have been sent login details. If there are any problems accessing the website, drop me an email ( and I'll do my best to assist in any way I can. 

Have a good weekend and easter break. 

Mrs Williams


Hi everyone, hope you're all well. I've uploaded a guided reading task to Seesaw this afternoon. There is a video and questions based on the text being read. It is also attached below. Have a good evening. 


Good afternoon to you all. Hope you're all keeping well at this time. An email has gone out about reading books for the children to exchange. Mrs Snow will have a box of KS2 books for the children to exchange at The Green in Middle Wallop at 15:20 today. 

We will be able to arrange alternative reading book exchanges if you should need to do so. Let us know and we will organise as such. 


I have been receiving some fantastic work from the children and it's so lovely to see all of the practical and meaningful learning experiences being carried out. 


Don't forget the daily videos being uploaded for the children to follow and complete the work based on this learning. 


Keep safe, 


Mrs Williams 


Hope you're all well and surviving the lock-down. Today, I've uploaded a video on division and a formal written method. A worksheet can be found below for the children to complete after they have watched the video. Please drop me an email if you have any questions or worries during this time of home learning. I will do my best to help in any way I can. 


Divison worksheet


Good afternoon to you all. Hope you are all well. The vast majority of pupils are now using Seesaw to complete and submit work. I am so impressed by how hard the children are working and the work is fantastic! It makes me super happy to see and be able to comment on each amazing piece. Keep up the good work guys! The children are carrying out a variety of learning activities, everything from drawing Roman soldiers to working out fractions and decimal equivalents. 

This afternoon's task is to watch the story time video and answer the questions as you go along. The questions are largely geared towards developing inference skills - being detectives and searching for clues within the text. Hope you enjoy the story and remember, I'm always at the end of an email or on seesaw - I'm hooked on this platform! 


Take care and have a lovely weekend! 


Mrs Williams 

Today's Spanish lesson will give you the vocabulary to be able to direct someone to a destination. Enjoy!


Good day to you all. Today, I have uploaded a maths sheet on multiplication. The questions are word problems and may be challenging. If any of the children are struggling, let me know and I will try to be of some assistance. 


Take care, 


Mrs Williams 

Multiplication word problems

Story time for this evening - in Spanish! 


Good morning to you all. I hope you're all keeping well. 


Today, I have uploaded a word document which gives suggested times for each daily activity the children are doing. It's just a guide that will give the children structure to their day. 


I have also recorded two videos this morning for both short and long multiplication. These can be found on a you tube link below. I would suggest that all children begin by watching the short multiplication video and then complete the short multiplication questions on a separate word doc. attached. Following on, the children can then watch the video of long multiplication and complete the questions for this method. 


The second video clip is cut short where I am showing the children an answer. As a result, I have taken a photo of the answer and it can be found below. 


Please ensure children are logging onto Read theory as part of their daily reading. I am able to track their development and progress during this time they are not in school. 


Please send me an email with any queries - I will be happy to answer you. 


Mrs Williams 

Multiplication problems





Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and the children are accessing the online activities which have been set. Some websites are struggling to cope with the sheer demand and may crash as a result. Please try and bear with it whilst all necessary improvements are made. 


I will upload a suggested timetable later today so that children have a routine to follow for their learning. Following the timetable will ensure children are spending the recommended time on each activity and that all children are doing the same thing. 


I am able to track all learning which is completed online and can offer any advice should children have any issues with any of the recommended websites. 


I will be uploading additional learning activities to Owls class page on the school website... so watch this space. 


In the meantime, if you have any queries or the children would like to send any photos of their work (I'd love to see it) please email me: 


Take care, 


Mrs Williams 


Hello from Owls... Hope you are all keeping safe and well. 

The children have continued to work hard and maintain focus this week despite the difficult circumstances. 


All home learning packs have now been sent home and I am looking forward to viewing the children's work both online and in their exercise book. At the bottom of the list of tasks to complete daily, you can find the Owls class e-mail address which you will be able to contact me on. It would be great if you could all keep in touch and let me know how the children are getting on. 


I will upload work as necessary during this time of uncertainty. 


Take care, 

Mrs Williams


Hello from Owls this week. With all that is going on in the news at the moment, it is learning time as usual for us... and some excellent learning the children have been achieving. We have been looking at the Roman Empire in History and the timeline of growth and conquests. 

In Art and DT, the children have researched different designs for Roman pottery and have been busy designing and creating their own. 


In maths, the children have been focusing on fractions and decimals and fractions of money.Below are some uploaded maths homework sheets to complete.


In English, the children are in the completion stage of their big write - a narrative based on the events of historical Pompeii. This week's spellings are uploaded below. We are encouraging the children to read at least 5 times a week, even if this is just for 10 minutes a day. We would really appreciate it if parents could sign reading diaries so that we can track this. 


Have a lovely weekend, 


Mrs Williams



Salve to everyone this week... 'hello' in Roman! What a fabulous trip we had at Butser Ancient Farm! OK, the weather wasn't great, but it didn't stop us having a great learning experience. The children took part in activities which focused on Roman daily life: jewellery making, roman maths, spinning and creating mosaics. It was a truly fantastic day out! 



We are currently working through our unit on fractions. So far, the children have been developing and furthering their understanding of equivalent fractions and showing these as different diagrams. In addition, we have been looking deeper into how tenths and hundredths are represented and applying this to a variety of contexts, including dividing by 10 and 100 - creating decimals. Today, we looked at rounding to the nearest whole number, the nearest tenth and nearest hundredth. There are two maths sheets attached which focus on rounding. 



In English, we are focusing on description, similes, metaphors and personification. We are using the book 'Escape from Pompeii" to inspire our writing and are developing rich vocabulary to apply to independent writing. 

This week's spellings are attached below. 


A big hello from Owls! I hope everyone had a nice half term break. The children are settling back into school routine and we have lots of exciting learning experiences ahead of us. We have begun this half term's topic on Romans and we are off to Butser Ancient Farm next week. The children will have the opportunity to experience different aspects of daily life in ancient Rome. We will be spending most of the day outdoors so the children will need extra warm clothing in addition to wearing their school uniform - layer them up. It is also important that they have sensible footwear - old trainers/wellies/snow-boots. 


The children have now begun to learn Spanish and have focused on the alphabet this week; learning to spell their names and other Spanish words. They are already very keen and confident to use Spanish words and phrases during register and throughout the day. 



We have just completed a large maths unit which has covered a large amount of different learning objectives. The main focus has been: compact column method for multiplication, bus stop division, square numbers, prime numbers and prime factors. I have attached different worksheets that involve these different mathematical concepts. 



In English, we are currently using the text 'Escape From Pompeii' to drive our writing outcomes. The children are learning about the ancient city and will be using their developing knowledge to apply to different writing tasks. 

This week's spellings are attached below. 


Have a good weekend! 


What a busy week we have had! Owls have had some wonderful experiences to enrich their learning! We finished our bridges in DT and completed evaluations - reflecting on our methods and processors. 

Omar came in to carry out workshops of African drumming with the children, and dare I say teachers! It was absolutely fabulous. Every single one of the children were engaged in the tasks and loved it!

We also had our class treat and went to the Odeon cinema. The cinema is closed to the public during the mornings so we had our private showing. The looks on their faces when they realised they had the whole cinema to themselves. 



This week, we have been focusing on division and formal written methods. The children have been practicing the Bus Stop method and have found it a little challenging. But, if there's one thing we love in Owls, it's a challenge! Multiplication facts for times tables are coming along but extra practice at home would be appreciated. The only ones we have not yet studied are the 7s and 12s. Children have logins for Times Table Rockstars and they can practice online, bringing fun into their learning. Maths homework can be found below. 



In English, the children finished their speeches to save the school's woodland. Some of speeches were selected to be read out to the chairman of the school governors. The chairman was most impressed with the children's writing and upon discovery of their passion for the woodland, has decided it will not be sold to developers. well done Owls! Weekly spellings are available below and the words will be tested the first Friday we are back in school. 


Have a lovely half term break, 


Mrs Williams 



Good afternoon from us all in Owls class. This week, the children have been busy constructing their bridges from their designs using wood. The children have been thoroughly engaged and have worked brilliantly with the tools and materials. The structures are really coming along. 



In maths, we have been focusing on multiplication and division. We have done a lot of work on the recall of multiplication and division facts and are working hard at times tables. There is maths homework below and Times Table Rockstars to use online to practice their multiplication tables. 



In English, we are at the planning stage of our big write - a speech to persuade the governors not to sell the school woodland. The children have learned lots of new, technical vocabulary items and I am looking forward to reading them. 


Have a lovely weekend!




A big hello from Owls class! This half-term, our topic is Great Britain. The children have been learning about different counties and human and topographical features. At the end of the geography unit, the children will be creating a leaflet which will provide tourists all the geographical information they would need to know.

In DT, the children have been looking at different structures of bridges and are in the design and planning stage to build their own bridges using wood and a variety of materials. 



This week, the children have been continuing to build their understanding of the features of line graphs, how to interpret date and how to work out sum and difference from the graphs' plotted points. You can find this week's maths homework below. Maths homework is optional and I have put a few sheets up for the children to select which they would prefer to do. More importantly, times table practice would be most useful for the children, any practice at home would be great for their development within the subject. 



We have just begun our new unit of English. We are studying persuasive devices in order to write a speech to save the woodland. 

The children are encouraged to change their reading books regularly and visit the library once a week to change their library books in addition to their reading books. Children are aware that they should be reading at home on a daily basis, even if this is just for 15 minute periods. If parents and carers could kindly sign the reading diaries when the children read at home, this would be gratefully received. 

This week's spellings can be found below. 


Have a lovely weekend. 








Another great week in Owls! We have earned all the beads for our jar and are planning our next class activity. 



In maths, we have been working on addition and subtraction. We are practicing both mental methods alongside formal written methods. There is a maths homework sheet which can be found below. 



This week, the children have been writing a biography on Emmeline Pankhurst. I am very excited to read their masterpieces. 

Weekly spellings can be found below. 


Have a lovely weekend. 




It's great to be back in school and fuel the children's curiosity in their learning. In our 'Great Britain' topic, we are planning a trip (for Malcolm the Meerkat) across various counties in order to view the exciting landmarks we have to offer. Children will be looking at both human and topographical features of Great Britain and will be able to identify their location. 

In DT, we are looking at different bridges and their structures. In doing so, the children will use their understanding to design and create their own bridges. 



This week, we have been working on place value - understanding the value of each digit in a given number. As a result, we have been working with rounding numbers, negative numbers and ordering numbers.

There is a rounding worksheet to complete below as homework.



We have been researching Emmeline Pankhurst this week as part of our English unit of work. The children will be writing a biography for the Suffragette as their final piece on this topic. 

This week's spellings can be found below. 




Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing break over the Christmas period. The children have come back into school and are settling back into their daily routines. We have begun our new topic on Great Britain in which we will be focusing on Geography.



In maths, the children have been learning about angles, 3d shapes, symmetry and coordinates. To help with the homework, children will need to remember there are 180 degrees in a straight line and 360 degrees in a circle. Maths homework can be found below. 



This half term, we are learning about Emmeline Pankhurst. At the end of the unit, the children will be writing a biography of everything they have learned about and researched in relation to Emmeline Pankhurst and what was achieved during her era. Weekly spellings can be found below. 


Well, the last day of school has arrived. It has been such a busy term and I am proud of what the children have achieved over the past 7 weeks. 

Not only have the children worked hard in English and maths, they have carried out scientific investigations on melting points of materials (ok, we used to chocolate as the material). The children were encouraged to adopt a conscientious attitude, taking responsibility for the investigation. They did a great job and we look forward to carrying out more experiments in the new year. 



Over the past week and a half, the children have been solving problems in measure. This has involved converting units of time, m, cm, and mm, g and kg and we have just begun our unit on geometry - starting with angles. I have attached various sheets of maths homework as I'm sure the children will have nothing else to do! 

On a serious note, homework is of course optional, but any tasks they complete will help to secure the skills they are learning and lock them into the long term memory. Most importantly, times tables are a main focus for us currently -  fundamental knowledge facts of these will help the children in wider maths concepts. 



Sadly, we have completed our English unit on Harry Potter. It has been wonderful to hear all the ideas the children have had for their independent work. We finished the unit with a book review - a persuasive piece with the aim of people buying the book. There are some English tasks below for homework. Spellings will recommence upon return to school in the new year. 


I hope you all have a wonderful time over the festive period and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year. 


Happy Christmas, 


Mrs Williams





In Owls this week, the children have been learning about places and shops in French and have continued to develop their skills in word processing during computing. Ready for next week, the children have planned a science experiment and investigation which focuses on the melting points of different materials. We will be using chocolate... I'm holding my breath already!



In maths, the children have been learning to convert measurements. This is a new unit and the children are developing their skills and understanding in this area. There is a maths sheet below that focuses on mm, cm and m. They may find this tricky and just need to be reminded that there are 10mm to ever 1cm and there are 100cm in 1m. In order to convert the children will need to decide which operation to use - multiplication or division. 



In English, the children have planned their book review for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This coming week, they will be writing their masterpiece. I am very much looking forward to reading the reviews on account of the enjoyment the book has brought to the children. 

Spelling scores have increasingly improved over the last few weeks and I am delighted at the results. This week's spellings can be found below. Year 4s are working on homophones and year 5s are working on the etymology of words - the idea that many of the words in the English language have come from other languages, both ancient and modern.  



Have a wonderful weekend!




This week in Owls, we have had a busy week! We have finally managed to find the time to paint our paper mache sea creatures in our art lesson and wow - they look fantastic!



In maths, we have begun our next unit on measure. So far, we have been learning about time conversions, including hours to minutes, minutes to seconds, days to weeks and months to years. In times tables, we have now covered the 2s, 10s, 5s, 9s, 11s, and 3s. Any additional practice on these at home would be greatly appreciated. Maths homework can be found below.



In English, we have written a newspaper report on the disappearance of Harry Potter. The children have used some fabulous vocabulary! Weekly spellings can be found below. 


Have a wonderful weekend!


Well, another week has gone by like a flash! It appears this half term has flown by rapidly and still so much to do! In Owls, the children have been working hard over this past week learning challenging concepts in numerous areas of the curriculum. I am very proud of them. 



In maths, we are still focusing on fractions and have been learning how to calculate equivalent fractions and to compare and order fractions with different denominators. Maths homework sheet can be found attached below. In addition, I would like to remind the children to practise times tables as often as possible. 



Excitingly, we have begun our new unit on English - Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. To introduce this new unit, the children carried out a science investigation, testing different materials to identify their PH. It was fabulous to see their engagement and wonder as the solution changed from blues to deep reds and pinks, yellows and greens. 

In this unit, we are focusing on persuasive writing and have written a letter to Hogwarts with the view to enrolling within the school of wizardry and witchcraft. 

Weekly spellings can be found below. 


Have a good weekend and I hope to see you all at the Christmas Fair!



We've had a very busy and robust week in Owls.

In PE, the children are learning and developing skills in Tag Rugby as well as focusing on balance and symmetry in gymnastics. In DT, the children have been working creatively and have produced some lovely sewing designs. 



At the end of this week, we will be finished our English unit on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. As a result, the children have executed a big write - creating an alternative ending for the story.

This week's spellings can be found below. 



This week, we have been continuing with fractions and are beginning to convert improper fractions and mixed number fractions. 

Maths homework can be found below. In addition, children are encouraged to use Times Table Rockstars to practice multiplication tables. 





This week in Owls, the children have produced some fantastic work in a variety of areas. We have looked at different formations of particles within solids, liquids and gases and have created some beautiful needlework. I'm already looking forward to what next week will bring. 



We have been learning about speech through character interactions and how to correctly punctuate their writing in this area. 

For English homework, children are encouraged to read five times a week and discuss what they have read with an adult. 

This week's spellings can be found below. 



In maths, we have been learning different formal written methods to approach division problems and have begun the next unit on fractions. 

We are constantly working on times tables and children have practiced 2s, 5s, 10s, 11s and 9s. Children can continue to practice these at home using Times Table Rockstars. Additional maths homework can be found below. 




It was lovely to meet so many parents and carers this week and discuss your child/children's progress. We have had a great first week back in Owls class and have begun our new topic on 'Potions'.


In English, we are using Alice's Adventures in Wonderland as our text driver to develop some creative narrative writing. For English homework, the children need read five times a week at home and diaries need to be signed by an adult. I have given out bookmarks with comprehension questions that can be used to help children deepen their understanding. If you do not have bookmark, please do let me know and I will ensure I get one to you asap. Weekly spellings can be found below and should be practiced at home on a daily basis in reading diaries. 


In maths, we have been working on multiplication and division - looking at factor pairs and multiples. At home, children need to practice 2, 5, 10, 11 multiplication tables and use Times Table rockstars. Learning all the number facts for the times tables will help children to gain a better understanding of mathematical concepts. 

Additional homework for maths, can be found below. 


Have a great weekend!






I don't know how we've made it to half term, but we did and we've had a fantastic time! On Tuesday, we went to Stuart's Bridge where the children participated in a number of practical tasks in relation to the water cycle. It was a great morning and the children fully engaged with the different activities. 


We have just completed our unit of English on Treasure Island and finished with a diary entry in the voice of Jim Hawkins. The children included some wonderful description and figurative language in their writing. They were fabulous to read! 

Spellings for over the half term can be found below. Also, we are aiming for all children to be reading at least 3 times a week and reading diaries to be signed by an adult. 



In maths, we are currently at the end of our multiplication unit and have been learning about multiples and factors. We are encouraging children to practice times tables at home as well as in school to support and further develop their conceptual understanding in maths. Maths homework can be found below. 


One week until half-term break. It seems to have come around very quickly! If any of the children would like extra homework for the holidays, please let me know and I will prepare such accordingly. 



This week, we have been working on setting descriptions, which have been wonderful. The children have explored the use of personification, similes and metaphors and have produced some brilliant work creating imagery. 



Currently, we are working on multiplication and have been multiplying whole numbers and decimals by 10 and 100. 

Spellings - wc 18.10.19


Despite the weather outside, we've had a very busy and productive week. No amount of rain is going to dampen the spirits in Owls class! 



In English we are using the book 'Treasure Island' as the inspiration for our planned exciting narratives. We have been using drama to explore characters in greater depth. The drama sketches were brilliant and the children thoroughly enjoyed performing them for their peers. This week's spellings can be found below.



This week in maths, we have begun our multiplication and division unit and are focusing on a variety of different methods to solve related mathematical problems. We are also carrying out regular times table practice and would be very grateful if you could practice these at home. There is a maths multiplication worksheet which can be found below. I do not expect the children to know all of them due to not having taught the rules for all of the multiplication factors, but they should have a go at questions involving 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s. 


Just like that, we're already in October! 

Owls class have had a fabulous week developing different skills in a variety of different areas of the curriculum. 



In maths, we have been developing our conceptual knowledge of addition and subtraction. In addition we have been looking at statistics - interpreting and presenting data in different graphical methods. A maths sheet for homework can be found attached below.



In English, we have just completed our unit on non-chronological reports. The children have produced some fantastic work on some very unusual sea creatures. 

Currently, we are just beginning our new unit on 'Treasure Island'. 

This week's spellings can be found attached below.


We have had another busy week in Owls! 


Maths: We have been working on various methods in relation to addition problems. There is a worksheet for the children to complete which is attached below. 


English: We are currently finishing our non-chronological report about interesting sea creatures. We are hoping to invite all families and friends into Owls class at the end of half term to see our amazing work. 

This week's spellings can be found below. 





We have been very busy in Owls this week. The children have all been working hard in all areas of the curriculum and have had a fantastic attitude to learning. 


In maths, we having been learning to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000. 


In English, we have been researching the Colossal Squid. The children have collected some great facts and information, which they will put into an apprentice non-chronological report. 



Reading - children need to be reading 5 times a week. Reading helps to develop the children's vocabulary and understanding of different concepts. Reading also helps them to develop their imaginations, which in turn helps them to structure their own writing. 


Maths: all children have their own unique login for Times Table Rockstars and we encourage the children to use this programme regularly to develop their knowledge of multiplication, division, number factors, multiples and multiples. There is also a place value worksheet attached below along with the answer sheet. Children can be encouraged to use the answer sheet as an honesty card - checking their own answers. 


Spellings: This week's spellings can be found below. Children should be writing these out at least once each evening and this can also be done in reading diaries. 


Have a fabulous weekend!



In maths, the children have been learning about the value of the different digits within a given number. We are also working on recalling times tables facts. To help the children to develop their knowledge of multiplication, we encourage the children to use Times Table Rockstars - a computer based programme. This site is designed to build the children's stamina in times tables and fast recall. Usernames and passwords have gone home. But if you have any further questions about this programme, do let me know. 


In English, we have been analysing the features of non-fiction texts and are specifically learning about sea creatures. 

Please also find this week's spellings below: 














Spellings for test on Friday 12th July

Spellings for test Friday 28th June

Spellings for test Friday 21st June

Spellings for test Friday 14th June

Spellings for test Friday 7th June

                                  Welcome Back 3rd June 2019 

I hope that you enjoyed the half term break. I can't believe that we are now in the final half term of the year. This term we will finish learning about Ancient Greece before extending our learning to Europe and the Mediterranean. 

Spellings for test Friday 24th May

                                Class Blog - Friday 17th May 2019 


We have had a very creative couple of weeks in Owls Class!! As a part of the art, design and technology curriculum, the children have created some wonderful Ancient Greek Myth creatures using paint, as well as planning, designing and sewing an Ancient Greek Sandal.


On Monday as a site of application, we will be writing instructions for how to make a Greek Sandal. We will then write our final Ancient Greek myth story before the half term break.


In maths, we continue to learn about fractions and decimals. We also learnt some brilliant knowledge about habitats and pond life during our recent trip to Anton Lakes. It has all been great fun! 

Selection of some learning over the past couple of weeks

Spellings for test on Friday 17th May

Spellings for test on Friday 10th May

Art, Design and Technology Topic Work

Spellings for test on Friday 3rd May - Please practise using the correct homophone in the correct context

Spellings for test on Friday 26th April

Welcome Back - Summer Term

I hope that you have all enjoyed the Easter break. I am delighted to introduce our new topic for this half term: Ancient Greece. A curriculum map with details of the learning that will take place in each subject will appear here shortly. 

Curriculum Map - Summer 1

Spellings for test on Thursday 4th April

Spellings for test on Friday 29th March

Class Blog - 22nd March

We have been working very hard in Owls class! The children have been learning about addition and subtraction over the past couple of weeks. As a part of this learning, the children have been interpreting data in bar charts and pictograms. The children have also been learning about area and perimeter. Next week, we will be learning how to use formal method to multiply. In English, the children have all written their newspaper report about the Viking attack on Lindisfarne. They are outstanding! Next week, we will be learning the skills in order to write some poems about Viking Gods, using the text driver: Author and the Golden Rope. 


The Pied Piper

We are continuing to rehearse for our Easter play and I am pleased to inform you that the children are doing an amazing job learning their lines and performing. I am sure it will be "alright on the night"!

Spellings for test on Friday 22nd March

Spellings for test on Friday 15th March

Spellings for test on Friday 8th March

Spellings for test on Friday 1st March

Welcome Back

I hope that you enjoyed the half term break. In the build up to Easter, the children will be learning about the Viking invasions of Anglo-Saxon Britain. The learning that will happen in each subject, is detailed in the curriculum map displayed below. Homework arrangements will continue as normal. We will also be very busy rehearsing for our Easter performance: The Pied Piper. Many thanks for supporting your children with learning their lines. 

The Vikings - Curriculum Map

Spellings for test Friday 15th February

Class Blog Friday 8th February

I can't quite believe how quickly this half term has gone! The children have produced some outstanding stories based on the legend of Beowulf. Next week, we will complete some instruction writing: How to be an Anglo-Saxon! In maths, we have been learning about place value, rounding, telling the time and money. Next week, we will start a new maths unit on addition and subtraction. Next Tuesday, we also look forward to our Anglo-Saxon and Viking day. The children will take part in many fun hands-on activities, bring history learning to life. Photographs of the day will appear here soon! 


Easter Play: The Pied Piper

Well done to all the children who completed their auditions for a large or medium part in the play. They all did themselves proud! All children will be informed of their role (including children who want a small part) before the half term break. They will be given confirmation of their role and a script to learn. We will then start rehearsing after the half term break. 

Enjoy the weekend

Mr. Kingshott and the team 

Spellings for test Friday 8th February

Spellings for test Friday 1st February

Class Blog - Friday 25th January

Using our text driver Beowulf, we have been learning various skills in English, including using the past perfect tense and varied vocabulary. Next week, we will be using these skills to write our own story set in Anglo-Saxon times. In maths, we have been learning about negative numbers. Next week, we will move onto rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. In science, we have been learning about the respiratory system. We have also been improving our mastery of art and design techniques, using clay to make Anglo-Saxon jewellery and ornaments. Please see the pictures below. They are absolutely amazing and the children loved making them!



Please continue with the reading and spelling practice at home. It is making a huge difference. I am also continuing to set tasks on Prodigy maths. This should be completed every week. Many thanks.


Have a great weekend.  

Spellings for test Friday 25th January

Spellings for test Friday 18th January

Welcome Back! January 7th 2019

A very warm welcome back to school after the Christmas break. I hope that you had a lovely Christmas. Happy New Year to you all. Our new topic for this term is history based and is called "The Anglo-Saxons". The children will explore and learn about many aspects of Anglo-Saxon Britain. In English, the children will be using the awesome text driver "Beowulf" by Michael Morpurgo to guide their learning. In maths, the children will learn to use larger numbers, negative numbers and on a Friday, they will be learning to tell the time, am and pm. Asking your child to read the time regularly, will support them with this learning. Please continue to regularly listen to your child read at home, encourage them to practise their spellings and please ensure that they complete their online homework on Prodigy. Many thanks for your support. 


Kind regards

Mr. Kingshott and the team. 

Spring One Curriculum Map

Spellings for test Friday 11th January

Spellings for test Friday 14th December

Spellings for test Friday 7th December

Class Blog - Friday 30th November

We have been very busy this week! All of the children in Owls class have completed their volcano models ready for painting next week. When they are completely finished, we will explode them! They look awesome! I have attached some photographs of the day below. Alongside this, the children have all completed their explanation texts explaining how volcanoes erupt. They are of a really high standard. I am massively impressed with the outcomes! I have attached a few examples of children's work below. In maths, we have began our learning relating to fractions. In science, the children have been learning about sound. Keep up the good work Owls class! 

How do volcanoes erupt?

Volcano Making Day!!!

Spellings for test Friday 30th November

Spellings for test Friday 23rd November

Class Blog Friday 16th November

I am becoming more and more proud of the neat, tidy and outstanding outcomes that the children are producing. Well done Owls! They are making great progress in their learning. Early next week, we will be completing our learning of addition and subtraction in maths. We will then start to learn about fractions: my favourite area of maths! In English, the children have been learning the skills to help them to plan and write their own explanation text about volcanoes. We will be starting these, this week. Once the children have written their explanation texts, they will begin to plan, design and make their very own exploding volcanoes! This will form part of their learning in design and technology. The children have also created a front cover for their very own disaster book, on the computer. As a part of their computing learning, they learnt various word processing skills and how to publish an appealing front cover.  We will continue to develop these books over the next few weeks. 


Spelling List for test on Friday 16th November

Spelling List for test on Friday 9th November

Class Blog Friday 2nd November

A great first week back after half term. In maths, the children have been learning about perimeter. In English, the children have now all completed their space stories and they are amazing! We have started to talk about and explore our new topic called "Awesome Earth". It's great that the children seem enthusiastic about the topic and they are clearly looking forward to creating their very own disaster book. Next week, we will begin our English learning using our new text driver (The Hot Book). In maths, we will be learning about area and how to add and subtract using formal method. This week, your child/ children should have brought home a letter with their Times Tables Rock Stars username and password. Please keep up with the online maths learning and reading at home as they are making a real difference. I look forward to seeing parents at parents' evening next week. Have a great weekend. 

Mr. Kingshott and the team. 

Times Tables Rock Stars Parent Guide

Spellings for test Friday 2nd November

Home Reading Questions

Spellings for test on Friday 19th October

Class Blog - Friday 19th October 

Firstly, a huge well done to everybody in Owls class for their efforts in the first half term back. Everybody in the class is making good progress! A huge thank you to parents too, for their support with reading, spellings and other homework. I have set a short assignment on Prodigy for children to complete over half term, if they get any spare moments. Please keep up with a little bit of reading too, where possible. Other than that, please have a lovely half term break. A new topic letter and curriculum map with details of our new topic for the next half term will appear on the website soon. Some photographs of our recent planet painting are found below. After half term, please look out for an Owls Class Solar System display, showing the children's amazing work! Have a great half term! 

Many thanks

Mr. Kingshott and the team


Planet Painting and Colour Mixing

Class Blog - Friday 12th October

Please find below some photographs of some of the learning we have been doing this week. 

Spelling List for test on Friday 12th October

Class Blog - Friday 5th October

I am pleased to say that we all arrived back to Earth safely after our trip into space, leaving from Winchester Science Museum yesterday! The children had a wonderful time and were clearly enjoying themselves when interacting with all of the space-related exhibits. I really enjoyed the day too! 


In maths we have been learning to round. Next week we will finish off rounding by rounding 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. For example: 3456

To the nearest 10 = 3460

To the nearest 100 = 3500

To the nearest 1000 = 3000. 

In English next week, we will be writing a recount of our trip. The final written outcomes will appear on the website as soon as they are complete! Photographs of our day are found below. 

Spellings for test on Friday 5th October

Spellings for test on Friday 28th September

Place Value: Different Representations

Class Blog - Friday 21st September

This week we have been completing our non-chronological reports, explaining how humans can survive in space! We aim to write these up next week so that we can take them on our trip! In maths, we have continued with our learning of place value. In particular, we have been learning to recognise different representations. I have attached two example maths questions (above) to demonstrate some of the learning we have been doing in class. Can your child tell you the numbers and answer the questions? 


A huge thank you to all the parents who have supported their children at home with signing their log book, listening to them read and helping them to practise their spellings. Research suggests that extra reading and spelling practice at home massively improve progress! 

Times Tables Rock Stars

This week, the children were introduced to a new and engaging maths programme called "Times Tables Rock Stars". All of the children have a login and password for this. The children will be given time in class on this, once a week. Although this is not officially "homework", children will be able to do this at home too, if they so wish. Children are able to challenge each other to tournaments whilst also playing solo. They earn coins for correct answers which enable them to go shopping! The more coins they earn, the more shopping they can do! I have set each child with specific times tables questions. In the first instance, the children should only play in the "Garage" and "Arena" sections. These sections are "teacher set", meaning that the children will only be tested on the times tables that they are working on. I have attached a guide below. 


Spellings for test on Friday 21st September

Class Blog: Friday 14th September

Another good week in Owls class! We have continued with our learning of place value in maths. In English, we have began planning and writing a final non-chronological report about how to survive in space! The idea is that we can take our finished writing to Winchester Science museum, to hopefully be displayed, informing visitors all about life in space. In art this week, we have produced some outstanding chalk planet pictures. These will be displayed in the school corridor very soon! 


A huge well done to the children who have completed all of their designated homework so far with logbooks signed and completed. I very much appreciate the support of parents on this. Any child who has had difficulty logging into Prodigy and / or Read Theory, please let me know as there are a few children yet to complete the tasks set this week. 

Class Blog: Friday 7th September

A really good first week back. The children have all shown great enthusiasm for our space topic and they have all demonstrated a fantastic learning attitude. I am very impressed! In maths, we have started learning about place value. In English we have started learning the necessary skills to write a non-fiction report. Overall, we are currently working on presenting nicely in our books with neatly joined handwriting so that the very highest standards are reached. Now that the children are in a year 4 / 5 class, these are aspects the children need to develop as quickly as they can! A great start to the year and I am really optimistic about the children in Owls class making some great progress this year. Very Promising! 

Spellings for test on Friday 14th September

Archived 2017/18

Inspiring Jobs Talk - Thank you!

The parts of a flower - Science

Class Blog June 15th

This week we have began to retell the story called "The Adventures of Odysseus". We have had lots of discussions about whether Odysseus is a hero or villain! In maths we have been learning how to use the formal method to multiply. In art lessons, the children have been using collage to create some abstract hero and villain pictures. As a part of our science lessons, we have been learning about plants and the different parts of a flower. Please find attached some photographs above. I have also attached the spelling lists for the rest of the term. These spellings are the year 3 and 4 expected words that the children be should learning and using. Many thanks.

Welcome Back! June 8th


I hope you had a fantastic holiday. 

This term our topic will be "Heroes and Villains". In English, we will be using the text "The Adventures of Odysseus" to drive our learning. In maths we will be learning about hundredths, tenths, multiplication and division. In art lessons, the children will be learning to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, using collage to create some realistic hero and villain pictures. In science, the children will be learning about plants and life processes. We hope to invite a hero into school too, to talk to the children about their work. 

Spellings week 6 for test on Friday 25th

Spellings week 5 18th May

Spellings week 4 for test on 11th May

Spellings - Test on Friday 4th May

Class Blog - 27th April

This week, we have been learning how to add and subtract fractions, using models and images. In English lessons, we have planned and written a recount of our wonderful trip to Milestones museum. It was a great learning experience. We took part in lots of hands-on activities, helping to bring the Victorian period to life. Photographs of our trip are found below. As a part of our learning in design and technology, we also started to research the different types of bridges. I n order to help us with this, we have been learning about the great Isambard Kingdom Brunel, to inspire us to design and make our very own lolly stick bridge! 

Welcome Back! (April 2018)

Well done to all of the children in Owls class. They have settled back really well after the Easter break. This week, we have begun our learning in English, using our text driver "Street Child". Over the next couple of weeks, the children will continue to learn the skills necessary to write their own story, set in the Victorian period. In maths lessons, the children have begun learning about fractions. This unit will take place over a couple of weeks as the children will be learning to find fractions of number and fraction / decimal equivalents. We are very much looking forward to our trip next week, when the children will learn all about the Victorian period. Photographs of the day will appear here next week! 


Spellings for test on Friday 20th April 2018

Spellings to be tested on Friday 2nd March

Class Blog - 23rd February


I hope that you have all enjoyed your half term break. Firstly, a huge well done to all of the children in Owls class. I am so proud of the progress being made by every child. They really are doing so well. The work being produced is absolutely amazing! We have had a very busy first week back! We have started our learning about telling the time in maths. We have also began learning the skills necessary to write a successful biography. In order to help us write our final outcome (a biography of Her Majesty The Queen), we have written to Her Majesty, asking for some information that could help. We look forward to a reply. 

Reading: It was great to have started the term by achieving a class reading percentage of 85%. Please keep this going as extra reading at home makes such a difference.

 A curriculum map about our topic "Great Britain" is found below. 

Spellings for test on 23rd Feb

Spellings for test Friday 9th Feb

Class Blog - 26 / 01 / 19


Well done Owls class! A really good first few weeks back after Christmas. We have been learning about multiplying and division in our maths lessons. We have completed our newspaper reports in English. They are amazing! Our English books are so neat and tidy. What great news! We will turn our attentions to story writing for the remainder of this half term, using the text driver: "The Roman Mysteries". We look forward to our visit from "Portals to the Past" this Monday. I will post photographs of the day later in the week. I am continuing to assign tasks to children on Prodigy Maths. Please encourage your children to complete these tasks each week as a part of their homework. They should also be answering questions on "Read Theory". Please find below the spellings for this week. Many thanks for your continued support. 

Best wishes




Spellings for test on Friday 2nd Feb

Spring One

They made a difference! 


Welcome back! We begin with our first topic of 2018 called "They made a difference!". The children will learn more about the Romans, the Celts and in particular, how these people from the past have shaped our lives today. All of our English learning for the first couple of weeks will be based on a great text called "Escape From Pompeii". In maths we will complete our learning relating to angles. Please have a look at the curriculum map below, detailing all of the learning that will take place during the topic. You will also find a list of spellings for the first week back. 

Spellings week 1 - Test Friday 12th January

Autumn 2

Topic - Potions


Welcome back! Please find attached information about the next half term, including a curriculum map. Our new topic is called "Potions"! 

Spellings for test on Friday 15th December

Class Blog Friday 8th December

We are quickly approaching Christmas, so not long to go! We will be completing our work on instructions this week, making our own potions and then writing instructions for how to make them. We will also complete our work on statistics. Last week the children completed some amazing Christmas and winter decorations as a part of our sewing design and technology unit. They are amazing!  I have set an assignment on Prodigy maths, so please do complete this. All costumes for the Christmas play should now be in school ready for our performances next Tuesday and Wednesday. Our final list of spellings to learn are found above. Many thanks. 

Class Blog 1st December


Another great couple of weeks in Owls class. We have written and produced some amazing stories based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. They were a joy to read. Well done children! We have continued with our learning about fractions, finding fractions of numbers and adding fractions. We now focus our attentions on learning the skills to write instructions, based on our text "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". Next week, in maths we will be learning about statistics, in particular interpreting bar charts and pictograms. In science we have progressed with our learning relating to solids, liquids and gasses. We discovered that golden syrup was the liquid to melt in the quickest time, after being frozen! We felt that it was perhaps something to do the thickness of the liquid or the amount of sugar it contains. This week we will be investigating how carbon dioxide is released when bicarbonate of soda is mixed with vinegar! 

Class Blog - 17th November

Another excellent couple of weeks in Owls class. In maths we have learnt how to recognise equivalent fractions and how to find fractions of numbers. In English we have continued to learn the skills for story writing such as using possessive apostrophes, speech marks and different types of sentences. Next week, we will be using those skills to write our own adventure story, based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.


We also investigated the properties of liquids and solids, in science. We found out that some liquids have a greater density (weight) than other liquids and we also discovered that some liquids are heavier than some solids! We used cooking oil, coloured water, golden syrup, currants, paper and pasta to investigate density. Please see the photographs below. 



Spelling List for test on Friday 24th

Solids and Liquids Potions!!!

Class Blog - November 3rd


A great first week back in school. We have started our learning based on "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". We explored the use of possessive apostrophes in writing as well as the difference between simple, compound and complex sentences. In maths we have been learning how to use the grid method in order to multiply. Our science learning about materials will begin next week as will our rehearsals for the Christmas play. Well done Owls class. A great first week back! I look forward to meeting parents on Tuesday and Wednesday for parents' evening. 

Mr Kingshott

Class Blog 6th October 2017

Another great week in Owls class! The children really are developing a real sense of pride in their work. This is demonstrated by neat and tidy books with neatly presented outcomes and joined handwriting. In maths, we have started our work on addition and subtraction. Next week we will complete our information reports about starfish in English lessons. Overall, all children continue to make good academic progress, which is great news!  

Reading Guidance

We are getting some great class reading percentages for home reading. Thank you to all the parents for your support with reading at home. It really makes a difference. Just to avoid confusion, children should be reading their school reading book at home, a few pages a night, at least three times a week. The idea is that the children read three or four pages and then get asked some questions about what they have read. There is a real emphasis in the National Curriculum on "comprehension" and a "deep" understanding of the text. When reading at home, it is therefore beneficial for the children to spend some time reading and then some time answering questions. I have attached some example questions, which parents can ask their children after hearing them read. The attachment presents National Curriculum expectations of the questions children should be able to answer about a text. 


Once they have read their school reading book at least three evenings a week, the children are welcome to also read books of their choice too on the same evening or on the other two days. When the children can show that they fully understand their school reading book, they can then change it for another one. I really appreciate your support with this. 

Many thanks Mr Kingshott

Class Blog Friday 29th September


We all had an amazing time when we visited the Bluereef Aquarium in Portsmouth this week. We have just started planning and writing our diary entries about the visit.  We hope to complete these next week. We will then move onto writing a detailed report about one of the sea creatures that we saw at the aquarium. In maths we have completed our learning about rounding whole numbers. We will be moving onto rounding decimal numbers before learning the formal method for addition and subtraction. We are all developing a real sense of pride in our work, writing words with joined letters and presenting our work beautifully. This week, we will be developing an ability to check our work thoroughly so that is absolutely perfect! Well done Owls class.

Class Blog 

September 22nd 


Another great week for the children in Owls class. I am so proud of the children and progress that they are already making! We were very lucky to have Miss Shadwell (a Marine Biologist) come into school to talk to us about her diving experiences. In English lessons, we used this opportunity to write formal letters and a recount of the visit. We learnt so much great information. Thank you Miss Shadwell! In maths we have been learning about rounding. I am delighted with the excellent reading that is going on at home. It is clearly making a difference. Please also remember that spellings need to be practised, every evening too. 


School Trip on Wednesday 27th September


We are all looking forward to our trip to the Bluereef Aquarium on Wednesday. We will see a variety of sea creatures, learn about sharks, whilst also taking part in a rockpool experience. Just a reminder that children will need to come to school in their usual school uniform, a packed lunch in a clearly named lunch box or bag (unless they have free school meals) and an extra bottle of drink. We will be leaving school at approximately 9:15am and returning by approximately 3:00pm. Children should not bring any money as we will not have time to visit the shop. 


Many thanks

Mr. Kingshott

Welcome Back!


The children have settled in really nicely to Owls class this week and I am really pleased with their efforts. We have been learning about shape and the differences between a rhombus, a parallelogram, a rectangle and a square. In English, we have begun to learn about the oceans and Non-Fiction texts. A great first week back to school. Well done Owls class! Please find some important class information above.


It is expected that the children read at least 3 times a week. They need to deeply understand their book (comprehension) so we are encouraging the children not to finish the book too quickly as this prevents them from fully understanding the book. We will also visit the library most weeks. The children will therefore have two reading books from school. Parental support with this is greatly appreciated. Many thanks. 
