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Our school is very busy. Here we will post up a selection of latest news for you to get a taste of life in Wallop.

  • Forces Day

    Fri 30 Jun 2017 C Rawlinson
    Thank you to all the parents who came along today to celebrate Forces Day.  It was fantastic to see all the children practice marching around on the parade square (playground). 
  • PTA Fete

    Sat 17 Jun 2017 C Rawlinson
    A fabulous day has been had by all and lots of money raised for the children.  Thank you to all those who came to the event, to the PTA who made it possible and the Army who have supported us.
  • Talking to Children about Acts of Terrorism

    Mon 05 Jun 2017

    Advice for Parents

    Take time to talk about terrorist attacks.

    Children look to their parents for guidance and reassurance. Even if your children are reluctant to talk about it at first, take the lead. What you say matters.

    Review what they understand.

    As your children continue to deal with terrorist episodes, they may have misconceptions or misunderstandings about what took place, even if they have followed the news accounts. Talk about it in terms they can understand.

    Identify your children’s fears.

    Children may have unrealistic fears that we do not anticipate. They might fear an attack on their home or loss of their parents. Take time to find out what your children are thinking about and reassure them.

    Limit television exposure.

    Television news presents highly disturbing images and victim accounts that can be too frightening for most children, particularly those under the age of 12.

    Help your children express their feelings about the tragedy.

    Share your feelings with your children, but set a good example by expressing your feelings in an appropriate and mature manner. Extreme expressions of anger and grief may not be helpful to your child’s sense of security and self-control.

    Express anger in an appropriate manner.

    It is understandable that children feel angry, but the target of that anger should be the terrorists. Discourage stereotypes and prejudice which grow so easily from hate and fear. If a British citizen commits an act of terrorism, it does not represent all British citizens.

    Spend some family time in normal, reassuring activities.

    Bake a cake. Go for a walk. Play a favourite game. Do something together as a family that helps your children feel comfortable and secure.

    Advice originally (adjusted for UK context) from

    For Additional Information
    National Association of School Psychologists
    Purdue Extension: Terrorism and Children
    American Academy of Pediatrics - Communicating with Children about Disasters
